CI Version Control Systems

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A version control systemSource Code Control System (SCCS) is a version control system designed to track changes in source code and other text files during the development of a piece of software. This allows the user to retrieve any of the previous versions of the original source code and the changes which are stored. is the primary entry point for getting your new code into a system. A Continuous Integration pipeline starts with detecting changes to source code, which are triggered by source code check-ins or commits. These changes can also be detected by polling the version control system status or by broadcasting change events. You can choose which method to use depending on your preferences and the capability of your version control systems. Once triggered, the CI pipeline commences collecting all required assets from source control system. After that, the build system is triggered to gather additional dependencies, create the deployment artifacts, and run initial tests.

As with any software development project, the version control system, used for Journey Manager application development, should hold assets required to rebuild entire projects from scratch, including:

  • Source code: Groovy, Java, and JavaScript files.
  • Configuration: JSON, XML, and property files.
  • Object Libraries: 3rd party libraries, in the absence of a dependency management system such as Maven.
  • Resources: images, icons, and other visual components.
  • Custom content: proprietary format content, such as Journey Maestro resources.
  • Scripts: shell scripts to create folders, databases, seed tables, configure services, and execute any other actions required to create a development environment.

For more information on how to store content GitLab, see GitLab CI tutorial.

The version control system should not include unprotected sensitive and credential information where it can be easily viewed. User IDs and, especially, passwords do not belong in unprotected version control system. Either don't store such content in the first place or use encryption or vault technologies to secure the content. For more information on how to protect your sensitive content, use the following links:

Next, learn about CI servers.