Temenos Journey Manager Deprecation Schedule

   PlatformApplicable to all products in Temenos Journey Manager.  |   All Personas |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

As the Journey Manager platform continuously aims to innovate, improve and stay current with security hardening, there is sometimes a need to deprecate some older or obsolete features of the platform.

The reasons for deprecating features include:


When deprecated features are removed in a future Temenos Journey Manager platform release, they will still be supported in their current Temenos Journey Manager platform version until EOL of that version.

Feature Last Supported Release of Temenos Journey Manager platform 1 Reason for Deprecation Migration Strategy

Oracle JDK 8


Oracle EOL Policy (Jan 2019)

Upgrade to Temenos Journey Manager platform 18.11 or later to obtain OpenJDK Java 11 security updates

Payment Gateway APIs (2 party)


PCI Compliance & Gateway Vendor EOL Policies

Use redirect gateway integrations (3 party)

Eclipse BIRT Reports


Security Hardening Reasons

Use the Licensing reports and new Operational reporting features in Temenos Journey Manager platform 18.11

Adobe LiveCycle


Adobe EOL Policy

Migrate Adobe LiveCycle Forms to Maestro Forms. Migrate Adobe LiveCycle Output PDF receipts to use Manager dynamic PDF receipts.

Groovy Access to internal APIs


Security Hardening and Platform Support Reasons

Migrate scripts to supported Transact Fluent API

Work Space (v1)


Platform Support and Performance Reasons

Use Workspaces (v2) replacement module


1 - Future release numbers and actual release dates are subject to change. For more information, see latest announcements.

Next, learn more about the Temenos Journey Manager End-of-Life Policy.