Export Services

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Manager allows you to export services. You can use this functionality to:

  • Back up or archive services
  • Re-create or migrate services in another Manager
  • Promote services to another environment

If you export a service with multiple endpoints, export the correct service connection before exporting the service.

To export a service:

  1. Select Services > All Services.
  2. Locate a service and click Export Archive to export a selected service as an archive ZIP file. The ZIP file contains a service-config.xml file with a service’s definition.
  3. Click Export Data to export the displayed data as a Microsoft Excel (XLS) file. The XLS file has the same column names and described in view services.

Next, learn how to import services.