Random Tracking Number Service

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Manager comes with the Random Tracking Number service, which is the core global service, that generates a unique tracking code for each transactions. For more information on the uniqueness of the generated codes and how to configure them, see configure receipt numbers and tracking codes.

To configure the Random Tracking Number service:

  1. Select Services > Core Global Services.
  2. Locate the service and click Edit.
  3. Configure the standard service settings.
  4. Click the Parameters Edit tab to view and edit the configuration.
  5. Edit Character Values, which is the list of character values to generate the random tracking number from.
  6. Select the Check Bad Word List to validate a random tracking number against badword list. This is not required as available letters exclude vowels, and does incur some performance cost.
  7. Select Ensure Unique, which Ensures the number is unique by checking against tracking number table.
  8. Edit Number Length, which is the length of the tracking number.
  9. Click Save to update the changes.

Next, learn how to view core global services.