Create a Show If Rule

   MaestroThe UI design product.  |   Form Builder |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Use the Show if rule to show a component only when certain conditions have been met, for example provided answers or selections based on previous components. The Show if rule allows you to show components based on the value of other components.

To create a Show if rule, follow these steps:

  1. Open a Maestro form.
  2. Click the Properties tab.
  3. Select the component to show or hide.
  4. Click Create Rule.
  5. Select Show if.
  6. Type a JavaScript that implements the rule or right-click the component that defines whether the selected component is visible or hidden.
  7. Select the correct expression.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Build and Render Form to see how this rule is displayed when the form is built and rendered.

Check out the Show If rule examples.