Form Seed

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    Platform Developer  |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Manager generates a form seed XML file to help you create and edit form XML data files for your form applications. We don't use XML Schema, RelaxNG or DTD for this purpose, because they are rather difficult to read and interpret by humans and by computers

The XML seed file introduces some simple “annotations” that allow you to create rather complex XML data structures. The seed file advantages are listed below:

  • There are actually very few constraints we require, such as, max length, data type, regular expression, max-occurs, enumeration
  • This isn’t industry standard, but it’s simple
  • You can write a simple processor to process XSD and spit out the annotated seed file
  • It gets around the complexities of multiple file imports and namespace issues
  • We support two styles, storing the restrictions, in either attributes or data

Here’s the simple seed file with data


Here’s an augmented version:

  <first_name>maxLength="20" type="xs:string"<first_name>  <!-- restrictions in the data -->
<last_name maxLength="20" type="xs:string"></last_name> <!-- restrictions in the attributes -->
<age type="xs:integer" minInclusive="18"></age>
<tfn>pattern= "[a-zA-Z0-9]{8}"</tfn>
  <child max_occurs="5">

Next, learn about form property prefill mapping.