View Collaboration Job Steps

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    System Manager / DevOps  |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Manager allows you to view steps comprising a collaboration job.

To view the steps of a collaboration job:

  1. Select Operations > Collaboration Jobs.
  2. Locate a collaboration job and click View.
  3. Select the Steps tab to see the collaboration job's steps and their information, such as:
    • Step Name is a name of a step, which is a part of a job definition of the collaboration job.
    • Step Status is a current status of a step.
    • A job step status can be one of the following:

      • In Progress- the step is in progress now.
      • Completed - the step is completed.
      • Expired - the step is expired.
      • Cancelled - the step has been manually cancelled by an administrator.
    • Next Step is a name of a next step as per the job definition.
    • Created is the day and time the step's execution started.
    • Finished is the day and time the step's execution finished.
    • Duration is the time it has taken to complete the step.
    • Scheduled Finish is the day and time the step's expected to complete.
  4. Click a step name to view its extra information, such as:
    • Type is a type of the step. The type start marks the step as being the first to be executed. Otherwise, the type field is not shown.
    • Dynamic Pre Conditions specifies whether the step has dynamic preconditions or not.
    • Share Extract Data specifies whether the step has a share extract data or not.
    • All Forms Editable specifies whether the step has all forms editable or not.
    • Redirect Next Task specifies whether the step has a redirect next task or not.
  5. Select the Actions tab to see actions associated for this step.
  6. Click Close.

Next, learn how to view collaboration job actions.