Data Retention Summary: Top Table Sizes

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform.  |    System Manager / DevOps  |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

Manager allows you to view current top table sizes data summary.

To view top table sizes data retention summary, select System > Data Retention Management and click the Top Table Sizes tab.

Manager data retention summary for top tables

The table list displays the following details of the 19 largest tables listed by their size in descending order:

  • Rows - the number of transaction records for this table.
  • Avg Row (KB) - the average row size in kilobytes for this table.
  • Data (MB) - the data size in megabytes for this table.
  • Indexes (MB) - the indexes size in megabytes for this table.
  • Total (MB) - the total data size in megabytes for this table.
  • DB Percentage - the percentage of total data size in megabytes for this table of the total megabytes for the top table sizes.

Next, learn how to view transactions data retention summary.