Assignable Form Prefill Service

   Journey Manager (JM) The transaction engine for the platform. |   System Manager / DevOps |  24.10 This feature was introduced in 24.10

Manager provides the Assignable Form Prefill service, which can be used by multiple organizations as opposed to a service assigned to a single organization or a global service.

To create the Assignable Form Prefill service:

  1. Select Services > All Services and click New.
    Manager create the assignable form prefill service
  2. Select Form Prefill from the Service Type dropdown list.
  3. Select Assignable Fluent Form Prefill from the Service Template dropdown list.
  4. Provide a unique service name in the New Name field.
  5. Specify a version in the Version Number field, for example, 1.0.0.
  6. Click Save to update the changes.

To configure the Assignable Form Prefill service:

  1. Select Services > All Services.
  2. Locate the Assignable Form Prefill service and click Edit.
  3. Configure the standard service settings.
  4. Select the Assigned Orgs tab to assign organizations to the service.
  5. Click Save to update the changes.

Next, learn how to view services.