Translation CSV Files with One Language

   MaestroThe UI design product.  |   Form Builder |  18.05 This feature was introduced in 18.05.

Journey Maestro allows you to edit translation files containing only one language by downloading the CSV translation file, editing it, and uploading it back into the Maestro form

To download, edit and upload a translation CSV file with one language:

  1. Open a form with multiple languages configured.
  2. Select Translation.
  3. Select a language using the language dropdown menu and click Download. The languages in this list are established from the languages configured in Maestro. Clicking Download will download the German CSV translation file (normally named locale-xx.csv though the name of the file is arbitrary) to your computer.
  4. Open the downloaded CSV file in any CSV editing tool, for example, MS Excel, as shown below.
  5. The first column represents the labels of the form, the second column contains the base language and the third column is where the translated language will display. If the translated language has not been entered yet, then the base language will appear as a placeholder in the third column and should be updated with the new language.

  6. Edit the CSV file by entering translated values into the third column. For example, Hello translated to German is Hallo.
  7. Note

    Maestro does not support multiple sheets in a single workbook, so when you edit the CSV file, it is recommended that you DO NOT create/use multiple sheets.

  8. Save the CSV file. The name of the file is not important but the file type (CSV) is.
  9. Note

    If your translation (language) uses non-ASCII characters, you need to "Save as" a UTF-8 CSV File.


    ASCII characters include the digits 0 to 9, lowercase letter a to z, uppercase letters A to Z, and punctuation symbols (e.g. %,$,*,&). More information on ASCII can be found at

  10. Navigate back to the Translation Window (in Maestro) and click Upload.
  11. Navigate to the location of the saved CSV file on your computer and select it as an upload option.
    Selecting the CSV file will upload it to the opened form.
  12. Click Save to update the changes. It is recommended that you click Save to ensure your changes are saved in the form.

Next, learn about translation CSV files for multiple languages.