Business Rules

   Composer This topic is related to Transact Composer.  |   Form Builder |  v4.3 & Higher   This feature is related to v4.3 and higher.

The Rules Properties section of this manual describes how you add scripting and logic to individual widgets. Though some widgets, like blocks, can pass on their rules to their children, this methodology does not allow rules to be assigned to several widgets, especially those not related or which do not share inheritances. What if the widgets are scattered throughout the form and cannot easily be wrapped by some block in the structure panel without including other widgets that you do not want to similarly inherit properties? This problem cannot be solved through "Edit Properties" individually for all the widgets concerned.
The "Business Rule" and "Mandatory" field types solve this problem by being central containers for rules and scripts. Other widgets can now share, for example, a script, by pointing to a business rule widget in the their "Edit Properties" dialog.
There are three types of Business Rule field types:


These contain the logic that control visibility, editability, data clearing, event firing, triggers and event listening.


These generate messages and also prevent submission of the form


These also generate messages but do not prevent form submission.

  1. Mandatory CheckboxBlock

Allows you to enforce the activation of at least one checkbox in the block: leaving all of the boxes unchecked will prevent submission of the form.

  1. MandatoryBlock

You use this to enforce that at leastone of the contained form elements are given values.
These rules widgets are intended for advanced users only, though many of their features are no harder to implement than editing some of the properties in the "Rules" tab for each widget. They are a powerful tool for optimizing response times of complex forms

General Purpose

Configuration Settings

The General Purpose Business Rule widget's Rule tab holds the following:

Visibility Rule

Note the difference between AlwaysVisible, NeverVisible and Script or Rule Based.
That is: the value of an invisible field being observed by the Business Rule could be affecting the outcome of the rule because the field has not been cleared.
See also ClearingPolicies.

Visibility Policy

Initial Visibility
Visibility Data Clearing Policy
Business Rule
Either "None" or "Script Based"

Additional Event LIsteners

See here

Business Rule Trigger

Run Always | Run only when visible.

The Relationship Between Nominated Widgets and the Rule

There are two broad ways for a General Purpose Business Rule widget to fire:

The default

where the rule fires every time one of the nominated widgets changes. In other words, the rule's listener is forever observing these widgets for change and will fire every time one of these changes. This can slow the form down if the scale of all these observed widgets is large enough.

Rule fires on change of any observed widget; as a result, the rule could fire many times and make the form laggy

  1. Additional Event Listeners

Here, the widgets linked to the rule can asynchronously change, but the rule will only fire when a form-level event is detected by the listener. The form events are listed, comma separated in the "Additional Event Listeners" field in the "Data" tab of the Business Rule widget.

Rule fires less and only on a nominated form event or events; results in a more responsive form.

The above second case results in the Rule widget firing less frequently than for the first case: every change to any of the observed widgets no longer results in the rule firing every time.

Standard Composer Events




The first event to which a widget can listen when the form starts. This event sets the initial data-based state.


Runs immediately after init. Used to run code when everything is in the initialized state.


The only event that does not call everything listening to it. It will look at the source node and look up the list of fields with a dependency on that field.


Will fire when any phase value changes. evt.evtData is the name of the changed phase. Its new value is fetched with sfc.getPhaseValue("<phaseName>"), where <phaseName> is the name of the affected phase.

evtValidationV iew

This event is fired once all current validation updates have been completed and it is ready to update the error lists, etc.


this event fires immediately before the form is submitted (although there is an issue that preSubmit is not currently fired when using a form in Mobile App but this should be resolved in a future release).


Error Business Rules will, on error, prevent the user from submitting the form.
The rule has more settings than the General Purpose business rule properties. The visibility rules in particular can cause confusion if not properly understood.

Focus Field Target

The rule fires when the user focus becomes the nominated field and whenever the value of the field changes. The rule can be set to "Run Only When Visible" (which is the default setting) or "Run Always". The nominated field will display the warning background colour while the rule is in error.

Clearing Policies

See Privacy on the privacy considerations that dictate data clearing policies. Note the distinction between "ClearHiddenDataonSubmit" and "ClearDataWhenHidden".
The distinction may seem trivial if we consider only the form's data at the point of user submission. However, when one of form's Business Error Rules is dependent on a field that happens to be hidden, and that field is causing the rule to be in error, that hidden field would prevent the user from submitting the form, even though all the visible data is suitable for submission.
So, this is the reason for the distinction between "Visibility Data Clearing Policy" and "Editable Clearing Policy" in the rule's properties.

Displaying Errors

The default display of form errors is the standard footer of the typical template. The same structure is also available with the Error List Predefined Block. The errors are listed in a clickable list; double-clicking on a list item takes users to the form element needing recitification. You also can write the explanatory text displayed as well as the error messages themselves. You therefore have the tools to assist users though the process and, therefore, minimise the rate of form completion failures.
The Form can display both errors and warnings through the ErrorandWarningPredefinedBlock. Users can scroll through wither the errors or the warnings using next and previous links.
The ErrorSelectionBlock displays both of these blocks, one on top of the other.
The Edit Properties -> Rules tab of the Error Business Rule can also be set to displaying an error dialog: a popup with the text of the Warning Message of the Rules tab. The same also can be set for warnings.
The use of these various blocks gives you some flexibility in how you want problems with the form data to be explained to users and what to do to remedy these issues.


These rules behave the same as the Error Business Rules, except that warnings do not prevent the user from submitting the form. We have already discussed the display of warnings above.

Mandatory Checkbox Block

This mandatory block enforces the rule that its containing checkboxes must have at least one member selected before the form can successfully be submitted.

Mandatory Block

This mandatory block enforces the rule that its containing members and groups must have at least one member selected before the form can successfully be submitted.
There are, however, a subtle differences between using this widget or using the button assistant and checking the"Mandatory"box in the creation wizard for the assistant:
The Mandatory Block by default leaves all its contained buttons or checkboxes unchecked or without value. If end users try to submit the form with all these boxes unselected or unfilled, the error message for the block is displayed and all the contained elements get red outlines.
Checking the "Mandatory" box of the button assistant wizard means that at least one of the buttons (the first by default) is selected at form initialization and there is no way to go to an all-unselected condition.
Several checkbox or buttons blocks can be contained in the mandatory block, all of them unchecked at initialization, and yet only one button of one group must be selected before submission and all the other buttons in the other groups can remain unchecked.