Jenkins CI Tutorial

   PlatformApplicable to all products in Temenos Journey Manager.

Jenkins CI is one of several popular CI servers. This article covers the following topics:

  • Transact Fluent SDK installation
  • A Jenkins CI server configuration
  • A project scaffolding
  • Code type checking
  • Service application packaging and uploading
  • Service testing on your Journey Manager server


This tutorial assumes you have already done the following:

In a subsequent tutorial, we'll show how to hook Jenkins to a version control system so you can start to build a CI pipeline from this simple beginning.


  1. Create a folder structure
  2. Install the Transact Fluent SDK
  3. Install Jenkins WAR distribution
  4. Run Jenkins
  5. Create a Jenkins admin user
  6. Configure Jenkins global settings
  7. Create a Jenkins job 
  8. Trigger the Jenkins job
  9. View the Jenkins job results


  1. Create the folder structure by opening a Windows CMD prompt and entering the following commands:
    mkdir C:\Development\
    mkdir C:\Development\Ant
    mkdir C:\Development\Git
    mkdir C:\Development\Java
    mkdir C:\Development\Jenkins
    mkdir C:\Development\Jenkins\CI Workspace
  3. Unzip the Transact Fluent SDK into the CI Workspace folder. Your folder structure should look like this:
  4. Edit the file to change username, password and client code details.
  5. Copy jenkins.war into C:\Development\Jenkins. Your folder structure should look like this:
  6. Start Jenkins from the CMD prompt with the following commands:
  7. cd C:\Development\Jenkins
    java -jar jenkins.jar
  8. After a few seconds, you will see a one-time password. Copy the password into the clipboard
  9. Open http://localhost:8080 in a browser.
  10. Paste the password and click Continue.
  11. Click Install suggested plugins.
  12. After a few minutes, Jenkins is ready. Click Start using Jenkins.
  13. Enter the admin user details and click Save and Finish.
  14. Note

    Don't click Continue as admin.

  15. Click Manage Jenkins.
  16. Click Global Tool Configuration.
  17. Click Add JDK.
  18. Clear the Install automatically checkbox.
  19. Provide a name in the JDK Name field and specify the path to the JDK installation in the JAVA_HOME field.
  20. Click Add Ant.
  21. Provide a name in the Ant Name field and clear the Install automatically checkbox.
  22. Specify the path to the Ant installation in the ANT_HOME field and click Save.
  23. Now Jenkins has been configured with a JDK and an Ant installation.

  24. Click New Item to create a new CI project.
  25. Enter a project name in the Enter an item name and click Freestyle project.
  26. Click Advanced.
  27. Click Use custom workspace and enter the path where you will be storing the Transact Fluent SDK and project source files.
  28. Scroll down to the Build section and click Add build step.
  29. Select the Invoke Ant from the dropdown list.
  30. Select the desired Ant version from the Ant Version dropdown list and type svc-scaffold in the Targets field.
  31. Select Invoke Ant from the Add build step dropdown list to add another build step.
  32. Select the required Ant version and type svc-type-check in the Targets field.
  33. Add another Invoke Ant build step.
  34. Select the required Ant version and type svc-package in the Targets field.
  35. Add another Invoke Ant build step.
  36. Select the required Ant version and type svc-upload in the Targets field.
  37. Add another Invoke Ant build step.
  38. Select the required Ant version and type svc-test-remote in the Targets field.
  39. Click Save.
  40. Click Build Now.
  41. The project will be run. Click the build number link in the Build History section.
  42. Click Console Output to see the build output.
  43. Check the output from each Ant task.
  44. The build is complete now.

Next, learn about GitLab CI.