Open UX

   Temenos Journey Manager API Developer resources for building Temenos Journey Manager solutions   |    Platform Developer |   18.11 This feature was introduced in 18.11. |  Updated in 22.04This feature was updated in 22.04.

Open UX is a set of JavaScript libraries for building applications on the Journey Manager platform. It allows you to develop onboarding experiences using the tools you're already familiar with while taking advantage of Journey Manager on the back-end.

OpenUX React core and component libraries as well the JM OpenUX APIs remain fully supported. The latest versions are now available on request and not on npm.

Journey Analytics Support for Open UX

To learn more about Journey Analytics support in Open UX, download the example Open UX React project. This example project makes use of private packages that need to be installed prior to installing the project dependencies. Contact your Temenos Client Services representative for further details.

What about the online documentation?

We've replaced the Open UX online documentation with a PDF version. Here's how you can get a copy of the PDF.

  • If you have access to the Temenos instance of Microsoft Teams, you can download the Open UX PDF from Teams (instructions below).
  • Otherwise, contact us to request a copy of the Open UX PDF.

Download the Open UX PDF

The Open UX PDF is available from the Temenos instance of Microsoft Teams. Follow these steps to download the Open UX PDF.

  1. Login to Microsoft Teams.
  2. Select the Temenos Journey Manager (TJM) team.
  3. Select the Temenos Document Share channel.
  4. Select Files and browse to the OpenUX (INTERNAL USE ONLY) folder.
  5. Download the Open UX PDF (openux-1811.pdf).