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When building adaptive UX in Maestro you may run into a requirement to present different content to users depending on whether they are on a mobile or desktop client. For example, it is unlikely that desktop users will utilize their camera to snap a photo of their driver's license so you may want to down-play this capability for desktop users and promote it for mobile users.
Unfortunately there is no standard way to determine if a user is on a mobile device and a Google search will uncover strong debate over the best way to achieve this. This example provides one simple option that searches the user agent string for a set of known mobile or tablet identifiers.
Let's look at the example of 'Is Mobile' Detected
The following JavaScript snippet demonstrates a simple example on how to detect if the user is on a mobile (or tablet) device. This will not give 100% coverage but should cover most of the commonly encountered devices.
var isMobile = navigator.userAgent.match( /(iPhone|iPod|iPad|Android|webOS|BlackBerry|IEMobile|Opera Mini)/i)
You could add this code directly into your rule scripts, or create a reusable JavaScript library that you can distribute among your teams.
For more fine-grained detects you may want to review the Modernizr library which provides a comprehensive analysis of the HTML, CSS and JavaScript features the user's browser has to offer
To using Modernizr in Maestro:
if (Modernizr.touchevents)