Getting Started in Composer

   Composer This topic is related to Transact Composer.  |   Form Builder |  v4.3 & Higher   This feature is related to v4.3 and higher.

Before you can start using Composer, you must login in. There are various user roles and there is a well defined hierarchy of documents (or forms) into Organizations and Projects that define user access. For more information on Access Control, see Composer Administration Guide.

Login Page

The composer login page presents the user with a standard user name and password dialogue as well as several links to assist the user in getting started. One of the link is the request password reset that sends an email containing a link with a token to an email address specified in the User name field so a user can reset a password. This is shown when the user tries to reset the password.

Welcome Page

The main area of the Welcome page is divided into sections described below. These are intended to make it easy for users to navigate around the product. This example is for an administrator and thus may contain options not available to other users.

Recent Forms

This section retains a list of most recently used forms. These are kept across sessions. The default saves the last 4 forms viewed but can be configured to store up to 10. The configuration can be changed from the "Options=>General" link at the top of the Composer Screen.


This is where you can change your password or search for a form.

Form Search allows a user to search for a forms in Accounts and Organizations they have permission to access.

Product Information

These are quick links to documentation, releases notes, Avoka Questions and the Avoka Support Portal.


The Composer administrator can post news of releases, advisories or other important information. This is done via System=>Deployment .

Home Menu Choices


The heart of Composer's user interface where all the design work takes place.

Access Control

Used to control Composer Security and is only visible to users with the appropriate access levels.


This is used to configure Composer and is only visible to users with the appropriate access levels.


The Options dialog allows a user to set the default configurations for their Composer session. The following table lists the options:

Category Function Default Description
General These are General Configuration Options
Render PDFs using Composer Options: Composer, Adobe LiveCycle, XDP
Allow Checkout Override Off Setting that will ignore the form checkout status on Open/Preview only. Save/Publish will honor the checkout state.
Disable keep alive pings Off By default Composer pings the server to avoid the session being closed.
Recent List Size 4 The number of Recently Accessed Forms retained on the Welcome Screen
Clear Recently Used List - Clears the List
Force Reset Busy Cursor - Occasionally the Cursor can remain as busy. This will reset the cursor back to its original state.
Designer Options to Configure the designer screens
Show Internal Fields Off By default internal fields are hidden on form open. This will override that setting.
Show Names on Structure Tree Off By default the field label is shown in the tree. This setting will switch to showing the Internal Name of the Field.
Enable Parts on Standard Projects Off This will enable the Form Parts functionality in standard projects rather than requiring a Parallel Development Project (version 4.2 or later).
Expand Transparent Parts Off This makes the contents of imported transparent parts visible in the structure tree (version 4.2 or later).
Cache Allows the manipulation of the local Cache size. This can assist with performance of the UI
Organization Cache Size 3 How many Organizations can be cached
Current Cache Contents - Show the Organizations that are in the Cache
Clear Cache - Clears the current organization cache
Show Load Times Off This setting will display a pop up with the form load time in milliseconds.
Editors Configuration settings when the editor dialogs are opened.
Show Advanced Properties Off By selecting this option the advanced properties of the field are shown
Default Units Form Units Allows selection of default units in the editor
Hide Script Editor Tree at startup Off Forces the script editor tree to NOT be built at startup.
Data Model
Link Data Model Trees On Links tree selection in data model view.
Wireframe Controls how the wireframe looks and works.
Default Zoom Factor 110% Changes the default wireframe zoom. This can be adjusted when the form is open.
Show Measurement Tooltips Off Shows approximate measurements of a field dimensions as a tooltip in the wireframe
Freeze Wireframe Off Will set off wireframe redraws
Use embedded fonts On Controls whether the wireframe will use its embedded font
Auto Refresh Problems/Dependencies On When selected the wireframe will auto refresh Problems and dependencies automatically
Check Errors Before Preview Off
Show Wireframe on Form Open On This option can restrict the wireframe from being shown at form open. This can assist with opening times on large forms.
Show Empty Block Border On Setting it on will show a border around an empty block. This makes it easy to drop in items.
Help Tips Controls whether Help Tips are displayed
Field Import Settings used with the Field Import Function
Show Field Import Dialog On
Create New Field Instead of Updating Existing Field On


This link shows the dialog that provides information that includes form details, the Composer build used, the search path details and the browser details.
This information can be copied and pasted into support Jiras or emails.

Online Documentation

This links to this guide in HTML. It is also a dropdown menu (click on the arrow to the right of "Online Documentation") and you have the following choice:

  • Online Documentation - The link is set under System=>Deployment properties
  • Release Notes - Link to Avoka knowledge base. The link is set under System=>Deployment properties
  • Javascript Documentation (giving the Composer Framework — see Scripting)
  • About Avoka Transact Composer (Specifies, version number, build date and number and build environment)


Logs the user out.