Create a Native Component Library Automatically

   MaestroThe UI design product.  |   Form Builder |  All versions This feature is related to all versions.

You can use the gulp watch task to automatically create a native component library while you are developing your components in a Visual Studio Code editor.

To create a library in Visual Studio Code:

  1. Install the Native Component Development Toolkit.
  2. Download Visual Studio Code and install it.
  3. Start the Visual Studio Code IDE.
  4. Select File/Open Folder, then open a folder where you installed the development toolkit
  5. Select View/Integrated Terminal to open its Integrated Terminal.
  6. Type gulp watch into the Integrated Terminal window
  7. Edit your component files in the src folder.
  8. Click File/Save save them, so the gulp watch builds your Maestro library in the dist directory.
  9. Import this library into your Maestro instance.

If you don't want to continuously have the gulp watch task running, you can use gulp zip command to generate your Maestro library manually.

For more information, see Creating native components for Maestro (Eclipse/ IntelliJ Developers).