All Classes and Interfaces

Provides utility methods for submission abandonment.
Provides an abstract Data Access Object (DAO) for entity DAO classes to extend.
Provides an abstract Database version management service.
Abstract Data Purger
Defines the interface for various cloud purgers of submission pii data
Provides an abstract DynamicDataHandler to enable sharing of common code.
Provides an abstract Web Service end point form PDF forms using Dynamic Data.
Provides an abstract Email Service.
Provide an Email Format instance for use in Velocity templates.
Processes the less than, greater than plus equal operands for an event
Provides an abstract Fluent Groovy service.
Provides an abstract Groovy service which implement common properties.
Provide an inbox processor to process inbox events.
Provides an abstract Quartz Job class.
Provides an abstract Job Action Service.
Abstract PII Data Purger
Provides an abstract PDF receipt rendering service for subclasses to implement.
Provides an abstract REST service Servlet.
Provides an abstract SharePoint service class to be extended by concrete SharePoint service implementations.
Provides an abstract submission data storage service class.
Provides an exception used to denote that a user account is inactive.
Provides an AccountUser UserDetails adaptor.
Provide an AccountUserDetails value object class.
Provides pre-authentication checks for a SmartForm Manager user record stored in the local database.
Provides a service class to access user details.
Provides an iText AcroForm PDF Receipt Rendering service.
Provide a Job Action execution context.
Provides an immutable Action configuration class.
Provides an ActionStepProperties map adaptor.
Provides the Job Action result class.
The delivery status values.
Provides a class to resolve action step properties.
The ActiveEventListenersMap class provides a single global in-memory instance for holding of active Event listeners.
Provides an add attachment file operation dynamic data handler.
Provides an AGLS implementation of the form meta data rendering service.
Provides a utility class that logins to the HSM.
This class is similar to the Data Storage Service however only performs the cloud specific PII data removal
This class is similar to the Data Storage Service however only performs the cloud specific PII data removal
Provides information around the anonymous user.
Provides Unified Application Document utility methods.
Provides an association between an application package and a client property.
Provides an association between an application package and a reference data.
Provides an association between an application package and a service connection.
Provides an association between an application package and a delivery channel.
Provides an email-related exception.
Provides the base SmartForm Manager application exception.
Provides an exception related to errors during electronic attachment upload.
Provides an entity describing a relationship between an application package and a form.
Provides a DAO for the ApplicationForm entity.
Provides an entity containing information about applications (sets of related services and forms belonging to the same organization).
Provides a application package archive export and import service.
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
Provides a DAO for the ApplicationPackage entity.
Provides service methods for the ApplicationPackage entity.
Provides an association between an application package and a service definition.
Provides a DAO for the ApplicationService entity.
Provides a FormCommandHander Test Runner class.
Provides a Submission Asynchronous Message service service.
Submission AsyncMsgs PII Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : submission_async_msg_body
Provides an attachment entity used to model supporting documentation for a submission.
Provide a Attachment element for representing Form Submission file attachments.
Provides a DAO for the Attachment entity.
Provides user document service for managing uploaded file attachments.
Provides methods to create attachment summary XML data.
Provide an attachments download servlet for users reviewing their attachments.
Provides a marker interface for entities which should be audited.
Provides an audit log entity used to track changes made to sensitive data.
Provides a DAO for the AuditLog entity.
Audit Log Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : audit_log
Provides an audit log service.
Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration entity.
Provides a Security Authentication Provider Data Access Object (DAO) class.
Provides an authentication service implementation.
Provides an security Authentication Provider configuration Parameter entity.
Provides a AWS HSM submission data encryption class.
Provides an AWS KMS submission data encryptor class.
Provides AWS SQS service client for use with the System Event Publisher
This class is similar to the Data Storage Service however only performs the cloud specific PII data removal
Provides an AWS Submission Data Storage Service which uses the RDS to store submission XML data, and S3 to store binary PDF receipts and file attachments.
Azure KeyVault Submission Data Encryptor Implementation Class.
Provides an Azure service client for use with the System Event Publisher
This class is similar to the Data Storage Service however only performs the cloud specific PII data removal
Provides an Azure Submission Data Storage Service which stores submission data, binary PDF receipts and file attachments to the Azure blob storage facility.
Provides an background save operation dynamic data handler.
Provides a HTTP 400 Bad Request exception class.
Provides the base class for the set of archive services.
Provides the base Data Access Object (DAO) for entity DAO classes to extend.
Provides a base CayenneDataObject for application entity classes to extend.
please use H2Test
Provides an abstract stateful Quartz Job class for Job classes to extend.
Provides base service classes for application services classes to extend
Provides the base service for service classes to extend.
Provides a base servlet for other servlet to extend.
Provides enum billable values for setting a transaction
Provides a Blank PDF receipt rendering service for use by forms developers running SFM locally on their own computer without Adobe LiveCycle.
Provides build time server properties.
Provides a DataSource implementation based on a byte array.
Provides a object cache factory class.
Provides a category for form classification.
Provide a Category value object class.
Provides a DAO for the Category entity.
Provides an Cavium HSM submission data encryptor class.
A factory for creating CayenneRuntime objects.
Provides a base Cayenne ORM service for service classes to extend.
Provide a runnable Cayenne task.
Provides a Cayenne JUnit TestCase which will initialize a new thread local DataContext for each executed test.
Provide a runnable Cayenne timer task.
Provides Cayenne utility methods.
The CdnVelocityTemplateService class is used for click to replace cdn url.
Provides Cdn Writer class to do cdn url replacement.
Provides charset encoding utilities.
Provides an ClamAV Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.
Provides an ClamAV Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.
Provide a Class Loader Cache to enable caching singleton variables in the current threads class loader.
Provides a class loader utility.
Provides a client (or organization) entity.
Provide a Client value object class.
Provides a client archive export and import service.
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
Provides a DAO for the Client entity.
Provides thread local Groovy script client security execution context class.
Provides the ClientKeystore entity.
Provides a Client Key Store entity.
Provides a Client key store service.
Provides a metadata value associated with a client.
Provides a DAO for the ClientMetadataValue entity.
Provides a PaymentGateway VO executor class able of using the PaymentGateway VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides PaymentGateway VO processor class able of extracting the PaymentGateway VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides an association between an organization and a portal.
Provides a DAO for the ClientPortal entity.
Provides a property value associated with a specific client.
Provides a DAO for the ClientProperty entity.
Provides a ClientProperty VO executor class able of using the ClientProperty VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides ClientProperty VO processor class able of extracting the ClientProperty VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides an entity that holds payment reconciliation files received from payment gateway providers.
Provides a DAO for the Client Reconciliation File entity.
The ClientRefData entity.
Provides a Dao for the ClientRefData entity.
ClientRefDataData entity child entity of the ClientRefData that holds the clob value.
Provides a Client Ref Data Handler class.
Provides a class for querying CSV property files for reference data lookup.
provides a utility class for the CsvPropertyQuery
Provides a ClientSecurity VO executor class able of using the ClientSecurity VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides ClientSecurity VO processor class able of extracting the ClientSecurity VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a client service which handles client creation and deletion.
Provides an entity defining a client user.
Provides a generic cloud submission data storage service abstract class.
Provides a command value object.
Provide a Job or Transaction Comment value object class.
Provides a Composer HTML Form rendering service to render both the form and the associated HTML resources.
Provides a Composer HTML Form resource filter.
Provides a Composer package import summary action.
Provides a ComposerImportAction Data Access Object.
Provides an entity storing file contents associated with a composer package queue item.
Provides a ComposerPackageLoaderPage callback servlet to return a Composer Package ZIP file.
Provide Composer Package integration utility methods.
Provides an entity describing a form package created by SmartForm Composer
Provides a DAO for the ComposerPackageQueue entity.
Composer Package Purger using Cayenne for the object hierarchy Purges : Composer Package Queues
Provides a comparator for Composer versions
Provides an AES symmetrical encryption utility.
Provides Composer Data Version utility methods.
Provides a utility to load the default database data.
Provides a Configuration service archive service.
Provides utility methods around submission content types.
Provides design by contract programming validation functions.
Provides a Copy SharePoint web service class.
Provides a copy operation result class.
Provides a core connection wrapper for JDBC Connection interface.
Provides a DataSource wrapper for JDBC DataSource interface to enable configuring JDBC query timeouts.
Provides a core Cayenne JNDIDataSourceFactory class.
Provides FC core utility methods.
Provide a Spring filter that adds the CSRF token to the XSRF-TOKEN cookie
Provides a stream based parser for parsing delimited text data from a file or a stream.
Provides currency conversion utility methods using BigDecimal operations.
Provides a service that returns the current form version unless the request parameter Params.REQUEST_FORM_VERSION is set and specifies a valid version number.
Provides a custom Click Performance Filter which sets additional XSS protection HTTP Headers.
Provides a factory class for the SmartForm Manager DAOs.
Provides a utility to load database configurations from specified XML.
Provides a Database Integrity Checker DAO.
a job which checks tables for all integrity issues.
Provide a service to check tables for integrity issues(relations and indexes).
This class is similar to the Data Storage Service however only performs the database specific PII data removal
Provides a database based submission data storage service class.
Provides an database schema or data change version updater interface.
Provides an database version management service for TM.
Provides a servlet filter which binds DataContext objects to the request.
Provides a platform neutral Data Document data transfer object class for Hessian RPC class.
Executes the submission data purge job.
Submission Data PII Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : submission data
Provides a Processor Task that delegates calls the configured purgers for processing
Provides a Data Retention Info DAO.
Provides a Data Retention Info class.
Provides a job status aggregation group info reporting class
Provides a submission status aggregation group info reporting class
Provides sub status group info comparator
Provides a Table Size class.
A job that calls the default service of type ServiceDefinition.SERVICE_TYPE_DATA_RETENTION_MANAGEMENT
Provides an implementation class for log purge services.
Provides a Data Retention Service that delegates calls the configured purgers for processing
Provides utility methods for calculating data retention policies.
Provides access to a ThreadLocal JDBC DataSource object.
This is used to map the submission data storage services to our own data storage purgers.
Provides submission data storage service utility methods.
This class provides utility methods used by DAOs around data manipulation.
Provides an entity describing an automated update operation on the SmartForm Manager database.
Provides a DAO for the DbVersionUpdate entity.
Provides a DELETE Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
Provides service for using submission delivery process checkpoints for creating robust multi-step delivery processes.
Provides an entity describing how and where a submission shall be delivered.
Provides a DAO for the DeliveryDetails entity.
Reminds client administrators of unacknowledged submissions.
Provides a submission delivery exception which can specify the error handling behaviour.
Provides a Fluent submission delivery function result class.
Provides a DeliveryFuncResult builder class.
Provides Delivery Function execution capabilities.
Provides a Submission Delivery Process Service result class, which can be returned by the IDeliveryProcessService.
The delivery status values.
Provides utility methods around submission and attachment delivery.
Provides an entity holding a deployment property.
Provides a DAO for the DeploymentProperty entity.
Provides a DeploymentProperty VO executor class able of using the DeploymentProperty VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a DeploymentProperty VO processor class able of extracting the DeploymentProperty VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a document type entity on which attachments are based.
Provides a DAO for the DocumentType entity.
Provides a DocuSign service client class.
Provides a DocuSign service client class.
Provides a DocuSign service exception class.
Provides a DocuSign envelope Recipient class.
Provides a constants and utility functions for DocuSign services.
Provides a utility class for creating Composer Drop Down List values.
Provides an exception indicating that a form instance was unexpectedly submitted multiple times.
Provides an dynamic data operation dynamic data handler.
Provides a Dynamic Data service submission response builder.
Provides an email confirmation operation dynamic data handler.
Resends reminders for unacknowledged submissions.
Provides an email queue entry that can be queued and automatically retried.
Provides a DAO for the EmailQueue entity.
Provides an email queue compressed body data entity.
Sends emails in the email queue
Email Queue Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges: email_queue -> email_queue_data -> error_log -> error_log_data -> groovy_service_log -> groovy_service_log_data -> event_log
Provides an email queue service implementation.
Provides an email receipt operation dynamic data handler.
Provides an email saved form handler operation dynamic data handler.
Provides an SMTP Email Service for backwards compatibility.
Provide an Email Format instance for use in Velocity templates.
Provides an email share form operation dynamic data handler.
Processes email verification responses from users and redirects them to the Account Pending page.
Provides a Embedded Attachment value object that can be serialised via the network.
Provides utility methods around string encoding.
Provides utility methods to copy attributes between entity data objects and XML element child element values.
A property class.
Provides a set of constants used for caching.
Provides Management entities service.
Provides a servlet filter to check the availability status of various JM entities.
Contains the entry conditions used to trigger an event
Provides an error log entry, including detailed information such as the stack trace.
Provides a DAO for the ErrorLog entity.
Provides an entity to encapsulate sensitive submission XML data related to an error log entry.
Provides an ErrorLog Service.
Error Log Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges: error_log -> error_log_data -> groovy_service_log -> groovy_service_log_data
Provides an ErrorLog Service.
Provides an ErrorLog JSON message.
Contains the Event configuration changes used check for a trigger on an event
Contains the configuration for an event and the relevant entry conditions that need to be met
Processes the event changes for the configured conditions
The EventConfigQueue class provides a single global in-memory instance for ordered parsing and processing of Event messages.
Provides a EventConfigurationParser to parse and map the Json from the Event Configuration service definition
Processes the equal operand for an event
Processes the greater than operand for an event
Processes the greater than equal operand for an event
Provides an event inbox entity containing all events which should be saved in transactional inbox.
Provides a DAO for the EventInbox entity.
The EventInboxQueue class provides a single global in-memory instance for processing of Inbox Events.
Provides an event inbox service which handles event inbox entity creation and updating.
Processes the less than operand for an event
Processes the less than equal operand for an event
Listens for changes in the Cayenne Commit Log based on Event Configuration
The EventListenerConfigQueue class provides a single global in-memory instance for processing of Event listener configuration changes.
EventListenerConfigurationListener class responsible for handling changes in Event Listener Configuration service.
Provides an Event Listener Configuration Service.
Provides an EventListenersStatus value object for holding the listeners' info.
Provides a Utility class for managing event listeners and their configurations.
Provides an event log entry with a severity indicator and a message.
Provides a DAO for the EventLog entity.
Event Log Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : event_log
Provides event log service including error, warning and info events.
Processes the not equal operand for an event
Event Operand for checking the values within the change payload against the event configuration
The relevant operators that can be used within an event configuration
Provides an event outbox entity containing all events which should be saved in transactional outbox.
An Enum entity types
Provides a DAO for the EventOutbox entity.
a job which gets all events from event_outbox and send them to OutboxThread BlockingQueue
Provides an event outbox service which handles event outbox entity creation and updating.
This class follows Decorator pattern.
Provides an Microsoft Exchange Email Service.
Provides the Execution Context utility.
Submission Extracts PII Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : extract data, json invalid input: '&' search
Provides a unsyncronized StringBuffer.
Provide a Transaction File Attachment value object class.
Provides a file item class.
Provides a file name extension filter.
This class is similar to the Data Storage Service however only performs the file specific PII data removal
Provides a submission data storage service which stores file attachments on the file system.
Publish transaction history records to a file system directory.
Provides an entity containing information about a file uploaded to SmartForm Manager.
Provides a FileUploadAttachmentMetadata class for use with FormDynamicDataService REST calls.
Provides a DAO for the FileUpload entity.
Provides an entity storing the file contents of a file upload.
Submission File Upload Data PII Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : Submission file data
Provides File utility methods.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script delivery process service.
Provides a Fluent Groovy API Form Dynamic Data service.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy Email service.
Provides a Fluent Groovy API Form Prefill Service.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script Form Saved Processor.
Provides a Fluent Groovy API Form Security Filter Service.
Provides a service that returns the form version to be used in rendering.
Provides a Fluent Function service.
This class provides fluent functions which can be executed for a given trigger and submission.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy Service.
Provides a Fluent Job Action service.
Provides service for scanning file attachments media type.
Provides a Fluent Groovy script receipt number service.
Provides a Fluent Render Receipt Service for generating customized PDF receipt documents.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script scheduled service.
The annotation for checking user access.
Provides utility methods for handling security through Fluent APIs.
Provides thread local Groovy script call stack context class.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script Submission Completed Processor.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script submission data validator.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script Submission Preprocessor.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy task expiry service which is called by TM when as task has expired.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script Tracking Number generation service.
Provides a Fluent API Groovy script Transaction History publish service.
Provides a Fluent script based User Authentication Provider class.
Provides a Fluent Virus Scan Service.
Provides a folder entity used in Maestro to group form designs.
Provides a DAO for the Folder entity.
Provides a form entity encompassing a form template as well as configuration.
Provide a Form value object class.
Provides a Composer Form Archive POJO.
Provides a Composer Form Archive in memory cache.
Provides a FormArchive rendering preprocessor to optimize the form archive for the given render options and resource context.
Provides a service to create a Form Archive POJO from the given FAR byte array.
Provides a Form Archive valdiation exception.
Provides utility methods around string formatting.
A java bean to store all associated form property.
Provides a Validator for the FormBean.
Provides an association between a form version and a category.
Provides a Form Command Handler class to provide an improved Form HTTP API.
Provides a Form Command Processor class which is responsible for performing the form command business logic.
Provides a DAO for the Form entity.
Provides a service to create the form XML model to render with the form.
Provides a form design entity used in Maestro.
Provides a DAO for the FormDesign entity.
Provides a Cayenne listener for the FormDesign entity.
Provides a version entity for form designs used in Maestro.
Provides a DAO for the FormDesignVersion entity.
Provides a join between a form design version and a library include used in Maestro.
Provides a version property value entity for form design versions used in Maestro.
Provides a DAO for the FormDesignVersionProperty entity.
Provides a FormDetail VO executor class able of using the FormDetail VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a FormDetail VO processor class able of extracting the FormDetail VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a servlet that will process dynamic form data requests made by HTML Forms.
Provides a Fluent form function result class.
Provides an form function entity.
Provides a Fluent Form Functions Executor class which will execute the configured fluent functions for the specified trigger type.
Provides an entity defining a form group.
Provides a servlet filter which filters form names and paths.
Provides an annotation to mark portal pages for injection of additional tracking content at render time.
Provides a form page tracking Click interceptor which will add form page tracking content to the page model if the page is annotated with the FormPageTracking and the form has a page tracking configured.
Provides utility method to render 3rd party form page tracking content.
Provides an association between a form and a portal.
Provide a Form Portal value object class.
Provides a service to get the form pre-population data for the given form and request.
Provides a FormProperty VO executor class able of using the FormProperty VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a FormProperty VO processor class able of extracting the FormProperty VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a sequence used in receipt number generation.
Provides a DAO for the FormReceiptSequence entity.
The SmartForm Manager Form Rendering servlet.
Provides a Form Server Performance Data class to store server performance info.
Provides health status metrics to store health status snapshots information.
Provides Form creation and template version creation services.
Provides a form start operation dynamic data handler.
Provide a submission access controller service.
Provides miscellaneous form related utility methods.
Provide a FormVersion value object class.
Provides a form and template version archive export and import service.
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
Provides a Form Worker Controller class to protect access to constrained resources.
Provides a rendering metric information class which parallels what is recorded in the request_log.
Provides form XML data encryption and decryption functions.
Provides a crypto exception.
Provides a Fluent function parameter class.
Provides a base Fluent function result class to return function invocation results.
Provides an get attachment file operation dynamic data handler.
Provides an get attachment list operation dynamic data handler.
Provides a GET Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
Provides a service verifying a Google Authenticator token.
Provides a Groovy Script based submission delivery process.
Provides a dynamic form data service invoking a Groovy script.
Provides a Groovy Email service.
Provides an Groovy Script based Form Prefill Service.
Provides a GroovyScript form saved processor service.
Provides a templated Groovy-based implementation of the form security filter.
Provides a service that returns the form version to be used in rendering.
Provides a Groovy Job Action Service.
Provides a Groovy Logger class for logging information during the execution of Groovy scripts.
Provides a Groovy Service Logging service.
Calculates receipt numbers by evaluating a Groovy script.
Provides a Groovy Script Render Receipt Service for generating customized PDF receipt documents.
Provides a Groovy script based scheduled service.
Provides thread local Groovy script execution context class.
Provides a Groovy Script execution exception class.
Provides Groovy Script execution utility methods.
Provides Groovy Script type checker.
Provide an interface to invoke arbitrary Groovy services.
Provides a Groovy Service invocation logging entity.
Provides a Groovy Service Log DAO class.
Provides a Groovy Service Logging data entity.
Submission Groovy Service Log Data PII Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : Submission groovy service log data
Groovy Service Log Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : groovy_service_log
Provides a GroovyScript Submission Form Status 'Completed' Processor service.
Provides a Groovy script submission data validation service.
Provides a GroovyScript Submission Preprocessor service.
Provides a Groovy Script Task Expiry service.
Provides GroovyTest Utility methods.
Provides a Groovy Thread listener to setup execution context information for Groovy Scripts on a separate execution thread.
Create a tracking number by evaluating a Groovy script.
Provides a Groovy script based UserDetails Authentication Provider class.
Provides a group entity that users can belong to.
Provide a Group value object class.
The Class GroupAgentLock.
The Class ServerHealthStatusMetricsDao.
Provides a group archive export and import service.
Provides a DAO for the Group entity.
Provides an Group GrantedAuthority adaptor.
Provides an in-memory H2 Test Case.
Provides a servlet filter which adds settings to the header of a response.
Submission History Data PII Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : Submission history data
Provides the available Cayenne named queries.
replaced by HostedPaymentService in TM 4
replaced by HostedPaymentService in TM 4
replaced by HostedPaymentService in TM 4
Provides a credit card payment form.
replaced by HostedPaymentService in TM 4
Provides a servlet that handles payment responses from a hosted payment service.
A Enum to represent the payment callback types
Provides HSSF Excel utilities.
The HTML Form Rendering servlet.
Provides factory methods for creating Apache HttpClient objects with system property configurations.
Provides Apache HttpClient utility methods.
Provides a HTTP URI invocation job to send HTTP events to applications without Quartz scheduling.
Provides an abstract HttpRequest class enabling simpler use of the Apache HTTP Components library.
The HTTP Methods
Provides a HttpResponse value object class.
This class is similar to the Data Storage Service however only performs the cloud specific PII data removal
Provides Hybrid Cloud submission data storage service class.
Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their AuthenticationProvider configuration.
Provides an plug-able Authentication service interface.
Provides a Groovy script object binding interface.
Provides a Composer HTML Form rendering service interface to render both the form and the associated HTML resources.
Provides an entity ID utility methods.
Provide a Database Integrity checker interface.
Provides an interface for submission data purge service.
Provides an interface serializing Job, Step and Action Definition objects as a JSON text.
Provides a service interface for the submission delivery process.
Provides an ID property comparator class.
Provides an ID property comparator class.
Provides a FormDynamicDataServlet dynamic data operation handler.
Provides a service interface for looking up dynamic form data.
Provides an email queue service interface.
Provides an Email Service interface.
Provides an interface for the base Entity
Provide an Event Listener Configuration interface.
Provides an interface to define the contract of behavior that a payment gateway need to support to be able to support a file based reconciliation process.
Provides a service which will find the delivery process ID for the given submission.
Provides a Fluent Function interface for executing server side Transact Application logic.
Provides a Fluent Service invocation interface.
Provides a form meta data rendering service.
Provides an interface for pre-rendering the XFA form templates converting them into a PDF form and updating the TemplateVersion.
Provides a form saved processor service interface.
Provides a pluggable filter service than can perform access checks prior to the FormSubmissionAccessController being invoked
Provides the FormServer Interface.
Provide a submission access controller service.
The form access permission.
The security access status to the submission.
The JsApp security access status to the submission.
Provides a service interface to select the appropriate form version at form request time.
Provides a groovy debug log interface which checks if production level groovy debug log restriction is disabled.
Provide an interface to invoke arbitrary Groovy services.
Provides a listener interface for Groovy Thread lifecycle events which will be invoked only if the Groovy script not executed on the current thread.
This interface defines a payment service which can be used to implement hosted payment page payment scenarios.
Provide an inbox processor interface.
Provides an interface for the import option enums used by JM archive services ()
Provides a Job Action and Expiry service interface.
Provides the Job Controller service interface which orchestrates the job workflow.
Provides a Job processor service interface called by the Job Controller schedule job to process all transactions.
Provides an interface for scanning file attachments media type.
Provides an entity describing an archive import action.
Provides an ImportAction Data Access Object.
Provides an entity containing file data for an archive import action.
Provides an entity containing a detail message about an archive import action.
Import Action Purger using Cayenne for the object hierarchy Purges : Import Actions
Provides a service for import action objects.
Provides an interface for the import option executor classes
Provides an interface for the import option processor classes.
Provides an import bean containing information about a successfully completed import action.
The import type
Provides an exception indicating that an import archive could not be validated.
InboxStreamConsumerListener class representing a set of inbox stream listeners for processing stream records.
Provides a Insights event publisher class.
The Insights Event Types.
Provides a Transact Insights Helper object to get Google Service Account OAuth2 access tokens and store transaction metadata.
com.avoka.fc.core.service.insights.InsightsJobs A static convenience API that consumes InsightsEventPublisher to publish Collab Job status events to Insights
Provides a DAO for the IntegrityCheckerLog entity.
Provides IntegrityCheckerLog service.
Provides a service interface for an offline context load.
Provide an outbox processor interface.
Provides a generic payment service interface.
Provides an interface for payment reminder service.
Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their Portal.
Provides receipt numbers for submissions.
Provides an interface for the remote audit services.
Provides an interface for render form service.
Provides an interface for generating a PDF receipt as a byte array.
Provides an interface to render PDF receipt documents.
Provides a service definition interface which can be invoked by the ScheduledServiceJob.
Provides an interface for authentication providers which are aware of their SecurityManager.
Provides a Security Manager service interface.
Provides the Interface IServerHealthStatusService.
Provides an interfaces for services which are aware of their ServiceDefinition.
Provides a Status Management service interface.
Provide a consumer interface for reading data from streams.
Provide a producer interface.
Provides a submission completed processor service interface.
Provides an interface to perform submission data encryption and decryption.
Provides a service to extract the XML data document from the form submission.
Provides a submission data storage interface.
Provides a submission data validation service.
Provides an interface for Submission delivery service.
Provides an form submission email verification service interface.
Provides a service that is called before a submission is stored.
Provide an interface for the background submission PDF receipt service.
Provides a submission service.
Provides a System Event Publisher interface which is used to publish system event messages
The Interface ITaskExpiryProcessService.
Provides a services test suite to run a set of unit tests.
Provides a unit test result class.
Provides a transaction tracking number service interface.
Provides the interface for services who abandon submissions.
Provides the interface for services who create transaction history records.
Provides a Transaction History Publisher service interface which is used to publish transaction history data to customer's data warehouse.
Provides a Transaction History Publisher service interface which is used to publish transaction history data to customer's data warehouse.
Provides a transaction processor service interface.
Provides a service to verify additional authentication factors (excluding the password) and enrol users for additional authentication factors securely via email.
Provides a Unit Testable Service interface
Provides an interface to determine whether a user exists with the implementing AuthenticationProvider.
Provides an interface for scanning file attachments.
A QueryCache decorator that adds extra debugging information.
Provides utility methods to read password from JM Key store
Provides a Collaboration Job entity.
Provide a Job value object class.
Provides a Job Step Actions Comparator.
Provides a transaction job action entity.
Provide a Job Action value object class.
Provides a Collaboration Job Action DAO class.
Provides a utility class with common methods called by Job Action Services.
Provides a 'Job Action Wait' Action Service.
Defines the Job and Trigger object for quartz.
Provides a job comment entity.
Provides a Quartz Job for processing Collaboration Jobs.
Provides a Collaboration Job Controller service.
Provides a DAO for the Collaboration Job entity.
Provides a Collaboration Job PII data items purger.
Provides an immutable Job definition configuration class.
Provides a 'Job Delivery' Action Service.
Provides a 'Job Delivery Wait' Action Service.
Provides a transaction job event entity.
Provides a DAO for the JobEventLog entity.
Provides a Job Event Logging service.
Provides a 'Job Form Start' Action Service.
Provides Job Definition functions which can be called during the evaluation of a job definition.
The JobGroup is a link table between the Job and the Group.
Job Group Purger using Cayenne for the object hierarchy Purges : groups of type job
Provides a job history audit entity class.
Provides a 'Job Processing Message' Action Service.
Provides a Job Processor Service for processing all Collaboration Jobs
Provides a property (name/value pair) entity for a job.
Provides a DAO for the JobProperty entity
Provides a JobPropertySearch entity.
Provides a DAO for the JobPropertySearch entity
Provides service methods around job property search
Provides a 'Job Receipt Wait' Service.
Job Purger using Cayenne for the object hierarchy Purges : jobs
Provides a history record of a job or job step status change.
Provides a DAO for the Collaboration Job Status History entity.
Provides an Cayenne Lifecycle listener that logs status history entries when job or job step statuses change.
Provides a Collaboration Job Step entity.
Provide a Job Step value object class.
Provides a JobStep Actions Comparator.
Provides a DAO for the JobStep entity.
Provides a Job Task Assign Action Builder class using fluent interface design.
Provides a 'Job Task Assign' Action Service.
Provides a 'Job Task Wait' Action Service.
Provides IComposerHtmlFormRenderService interface adaptor for the JsAppFormRenderService.
Provides a JS App type deployment service.
Provides the JS App manifest Form Data Config.
Provides the JS App manifest Form Definition.
Provides the JS App manifest Form Version.
Provides a JS App filter class.
Provides a JS App Form rendering service to render the application HTML document.
Provides the JS App form rendering servlet.
Provides JS App servlet utility functions.
Provides a utility class for rendering JobDef, StepDef and ActionDef to build JSON output.
Provides a runtime exception for unit testing.
Represents a Kafka consumer for reading data from Kafka streams.
Adapts Kafka ConsumerRecords to StreamData This class adapts Kafka ConsumerRecords to a Generic StreamData instance
Provide a Kafka producer.
Provides a configurable LDAP Local UserDetails Authentication Provider.
Provides an LDAP User Query authenticating the LDAP user credentials and returning the specified attributes.
Provides a Marketo Lead Record class which is used by the MarketClient.
Provides a resource library entity used in Maestro.
Provides a library archive export and import service.
Provides a DAO for the Library entity.
Provides a Cayenne listener for the Library entity.
Provides a resource entity contained in Maestro libraries.
Provides a Library Resource Data Access Object class.
Provides a library resource entity containing binary or text resource data used in Maestro.
Provides a form design library resource history item.
Provides a Library Resource History Data Access Object class.
Provides a custom cell processor for licensing.
A helper class used in licensing.
Provides a Lists SharePoint web service class.
Provides a Local database Keystore data encryption class.
Provides a receipt render service executing a local executable ( omJS, Chromium Puppeteer)
Provides a Local User Account Authentication Provider.
Provide a Log value object class.
Provides a Logger class for logging information during the execution of Groovy scripts.
Provides logger utilities.
Extends Spring security to handle session timeout requests differently for AJAX.
Provides a custom failure handler based on SimpleUrlAuthenticationFailureHandler that will increase failed login attempts, do locking, and finally redirect.
Provides a listener that reacts to login events.
Provides Maestro Release Version utility methods.
Provides the permission names used in the TM management console.
Provides a Marketo SOAP Web Service API Client.
Provides internal utility function which are not publicly available in the API.
Provides an in memory cache for frequently used values.
Provides a meta data element bean.
Provides a valid value of a metadata tag of type list or list hierarchy.
Provides a DAO for the MetadataListValue entity.
Provides a meta data service.
Provides an entity defining a metadata tag.
Provides a metadata tag archive export and import service.
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
Provides a DAO for the MetadataTag entity.
Provides service to generate persistent TM entities for use in Groovy Unit Tests.
This is an internal utility class providing common methods for unit tests.
Provides a Mock Transact Server environment for automated testing purposes.
Provide a Mock Kafka producer.
Provide a Mock outbox processor
Mock implementation of a user principal.
Provides thread local registry for mock HTTP request/response pairs and service/result object pairs.
Mock implementation of HttpServletRequest.
Provides a mock request context.
Mock implementation of HttpServletResponse.
Mock implementation of ServletContext.
Provides a Mock Submission Data Storage Service class removes dependency on external key management services and JDK crypto policies for running unit tests locally or on CI servers.
Provides a Module VO executor class able of using the Module VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a Module VO processor class able of extracting the Module VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a ModuleProperty VO executor class able of using the ModuleProperty VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a ModuleProperty VO processor class able of extracting the ModuleProperty VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides the available Cayenne named queries.
This class provides a servlet context implementation that does nothing.
Provides a notification message that is displayed to the users of a specific portal.
Provides a DAO for the Notification entity.
Provides a Notification type enum.
Provides an exception used to denote an authenticated user account is not associated with the portal.
Provides an oAuth2 authenticator client that can be used by a transact security Manager to authenticate against an oAuth2 provider like Google.
Provides a utility object to covert between DataObject and ValueObject objects.
Deals with OpenSAML - initialization during start, etc.
Initialize OpenSAML framework.
Provide an outbox processor to process outbox events
Provides an OutboxThread to pull events from queue send to OutboxProcessor to process.
A strongly typed pair of items.
Defines parameters shared between the FC projects.
Provides change password page utility methods.
Provide a payload value object class to map Json payload event to a payload class.
Provides an individual line item that is part of a payment made for a submission.
Provides a record for a payment made using the SmartForm Manager payment module.
Provide a Payment Log value object class.
Provides a DAO for the PaymentLog entity.
Provides a Payment Log service.
Resends reminders for unacknowledged submissions.
Provides an error that is used during payment when the response from the payment server was unexpected or faulty.
Provides an implementation class for log purge services.
Provides a PDF object tag rendering control.
A utility class for assisting with the manipulation of flat PDF files.
Provides an entity representing the privilege to access restricted content.
Provides a DAO for the Permission entity.
Provides an PhantomJS PDF Receipt Rendering service.
Provides version 2 of the PhantomJS PDF Receipt Rendering service.
Provides an ping operation dynamic data handler.
Provides a SmartForm Manager portal module, generally used for form hosting and rendering.
Provides an access path to the current SmartForm Manager portal.
Provides a portal archive export and import service.
The option enum includes various import options for the archive service to perform import and export.
Provides a Spring Security Authentication Provider which integrates with TxM Security Manager.
Provides a DAO for the Portal entity.
Provides a Portal VO executor class able of using the Portal VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a servlet context listener to initialize the portal paths.
Provides a Servlet which will render a JavaScript classpath based resource specified by the servlet init-param 'JS_CLASS_PATH', and will substitute the '@{portal.context}@' value replaced by the Portal.contextPath.
Provides a named portal page.
Provides a DAO for the PortalPage entity.
Provides a page history for the portal pages.
Provides a DAO for the PortalPageHistory entity.
Provides the permission names used in the Web Portal.
Provides a Portal VO processor class able of extracting the Portal VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a typed property for a portal.
Provides a DAO for the PortalProperty entity.
Provides a PortalProperty VO executor class able of using the PortalProperty VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a PortalProperty VO processor class able of extracting the PortalProperty VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a portal resource, such as an image.
Provides a DAO for the PortalResource entity.
Provides a resource history for the portal resources.
Provides a DAO for the PortalResourceHistory entity.
The annotation for checking user access to Portals (ex.
Provides an association between a user account and a portal.
Provides utility methods related to portals.
Provides a POST Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
Provides an entity request parameter prefill to form data model XML XPath map.
Provides a DAO for the PrefillParamXpathMap entity.
Provides a read only Prefill Param Xpath Map value object for performance caching.
Provide a utility to execute PreparedStatements.
Provides an entity encapsulating a submission status set by the client.
Provides a DAO for the ProcessingStatus entity.
Provides a profiling message builder class.
Provides a profiling prepared statement class wrapper.
Provides a project entity containing folders and form designs used in Maestro.
Provides a DAO for the Project entity.
Provides an entity describing a tag of a project or form design version used in Maestro.
Provides a DAO for the ProjectFormTag entity.
Provides an entity containing data associated with a tag in Maestro.
Provides a join between a project and a library include in Maestro.
Provides a DAO for the PromotionLog entity.
Provides a record of a form being promoted to a certain status, such as "Ready For Production".
Provides a object property string comparator.
Provides a object property string comparator that sorts the list in descending property order.
Provides a Property Data type SharePoint class.
Provides a property prefill mapping from a property (described by name and scope) to an XPath in a schema seed.
Provides a DAO for the PropertyPrefillMap entity.
Provides a read only Prefill Param Xpath Map value object for performance caching.
Submission Property PII Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : Submission properties
Provides a object property reader utilties class.
Provides a property type that can be assigned concrete values depending on its scope (client, form, user) and data type.
Provides a DAO for the PropertyType entity.
Provides Property Utilities.
Provides a Property Value type SharePoint class.
Provides property value lookup support Data Access Object (DAO).
Provide a service for creating and updating property values.
Use Chromium Puppeteer to render a receipt.
Provides a PUT Request class for performing simple HTTP request operations.
Provided Quartz scheduler utility methods.
Provides a SObject SalesForce service class.
Provides utility methods for Cayenne SelectQuery translators.
Provides a service that returns a random form version unless the request parameter Params.REQUEST_FORM_VERSION is set and specifies a valid version number.
Provides a Random Receipt Number generation service based on the RandomTrackingNumberService.
Provides a transaction tracking number service interface.
Provides a Receipt Form Load Command Handler class to support PDF receipt generation with PhantomJS.
Provides a Receipt Form Load Command Servlet class to support PDF receipt generation with PhantomJS.
Provides receipt data handling services.
The SmartForm Manager PDF Receipt rendering servlet.
Provides PDF Receipt utility methods.
Provides a payment Reconciliation File class.
A class to represent a line item from the reconciliation file.
Provides utility methods to support the reconciliation process.
Provides an redirect exception which can be used to redirect the user to another location.
Provides an redirect exception which can be used to redirect the user to another location.
Provides utility methods related to HTTP redirect.
Provides a Client Ref Data Cache for the ClientRefDataHandler.
Provides a ReflectionToStringBuilder utility class.
Provides a release version used in Maestro.
Provides a DAO for the ReleaseVersion entity.
Provides information around the currently logged in user.
Provides an remove attachment operation dynamic data handler.
Provides an render receipt operation dynamic data handler.
Provides a base servlet class for various kind of render servlet.
Provides a render context class.
Provides Servlet API request context object.
Provides a Filter for associating a RequestContext object with the current thread.
Provides a record around requests for a form, either for fill-in or receipt rendering.
Provides a DAO for the RequestLog entity.
Provides a request log service.
Provides request command validation functions.
Provides an entity representing a SmartForm Manager managed attachment that is presented to the user after submission.
Provides a DAO for the RequiredAttachmen entity.
Provides a RequiredAttachmentMetadata class for use with FormDynamicDataService REST calls.
Provides a job to resolve any outstanding payments.
Serve and cache static resources such as images, javascript and stylesheets.
Provides HTTP response render utility functions.
Provides a Application Package REST API Servlet.
Provides an Archive Import REST API Servlet.
Provide a Rest CFG value object class to map Json Object to HttpRequest.
Provides an Authorisation.
The Authorisation Types
Provides a multi-part FileParam.
The HTTP Methods.
Provides a proxy.
Provides a Configuration Service REST API Servlet.
Provides a REST Delivery Service API Servlet.
Provides a delivery CompleteRequest class.
Provides a delivery AttachmentRequest class.
Provides a REST Tasks API Servlet.
Provides a create task request class.
Provides a REST Groovy Service Invoke Servlet.
Provides a REST Groovy Service Invoke Servlet.
Provide a Rest inbox processor.
Provides JS App Deploy REST API Servlet.
Provides a REST Service Definition API Servlet.
Provides a REST Tasks API Servlet.
Provides a create task request class.
Provides a REST Test Center API Servlet.
Provides a TPac REST API Servlet.
Provides a REST Transaction History API Servlet.
Provides a REST Transactions API Servlet.
Provides a create task request class.
Provides an update submission request class.
Provides the FormCmdTestRunner test Result class.
Provides a Result Set Processor Interface
Provides a named collection of access privileges.
Provide a Role value object class.
Provides a role archive export and import service.
Provides a DAO for the Role entity.
Provides an association between a role and a permission.
Provides a DAO for the RolePermission entity.
Provides a Row Data type SharePoint class.
Publish transaction history records to the AWS S3 object store.
Provides methods for the safe delserialising of object streams using lookahead method.
Provides an XSS Safe HTTP Request Wrapper which will not XSS unsafe request parameter names and values.
Provides a SalesForce service client class
Provides a SaleForce REST API Client service.
Provides a SalesForce service connection class.
Provides a SalesForce service exception class.
Provides a SAML2 (Security Assertion Markup Language) attribute parser helper class for SSO Filter authentication token scripts.
Provides utility methods around SAML2 Attributes
Provides an save challenge operation dynamic data handler.
Provides a Scheduled Job VO executor class able of using the Scheduled Job VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a ScheduledJobHistory entity.
Provides a Scheduled Job History DAO class.
Scheduled Job Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : scheduled_job_history
Provides a Scheduled Job History logging service.
Provides a Scheduled Job VO processor class able of extracting the Scheduled Job VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a Job class to invoke Scheduled Services
Provides a scheduled service archive export and import service.
Provides a schedule service.
Provides a data extract mapping, defining elements that are to be extracted from the submitted XML data and stored in the SmartForm Manager database.
A bean class holding a schema extract mapping contained in a form archive.
Provides a SchemaExtractMap DAO class.
Provides a read only Schema Extract Map value object for performance caching.
Provides an entity containing a blank seed file for a form, as well as configuration such as prefill mappings.
Provides a DAO for the SchemaSeed entity.
Provides schema seed related service methods.
Provides a read only Schema Seed value object for performance caching.
Provides Groovy Script validation functions.
Provides search hash utils for submission property and data extract values.
Provides a transaction search indexes purge Cayenne lifecycle listener class.
Provides a Secure Compiler Configuration.
Provides a Secure Groovy Compiler.
Provides a type checked groovy script builder.
Provides a Security Logger class for logging information during the execution of Security Manager SSO Filter scripts.
Provides an Security Manager configuration entity.
Provides a service archive export and import service.
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
Provides a DAO for the SecurityManager entity.
Provides a SecurityManager VO executor class able of using the SecurityManager VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides an Security Manager Logging entity.
Provides a DAO for the SecurityManagerLog entity.
Provides an Security Manager Logging Data entity.
Security Manager Log Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : security_manager_log -> security_manager_log_data
Provides an Security Manager Parameter entity.
Provides a SecurityManagerParameter VO executor class able of using the SecurityManagerParameter VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a SecurityManagerParameterProcessor VO processor class able of extracting the SecurityManagerParameterProcessor VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a SecurityManager VO processor class able of extracting the SecurityManager VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a Security Manager service which is associated with a Security Manager configuration entity.
Provide a Security Manager value object class.
The aspect which will check user permission for each class constructors or methods annotated with FluentSecurityPermission
A job that removes expired security privileges.
Add to a SQL SELECT by specifying custom JOIN expressions and additional WHERE clauses
Calculates receipt numbers by using the receipt pattern and receipt sequence defined in the form.
Submission time Velocity model class.
Provides a health status object for the node.
The Class ServerHealthStatusMetric.
The Class ServerHealthStatusMetricsDao.
A persistent class mapped as "ServerNode" Cayenne entity.
Provides a DAO for the ServerNode entity.
The server node type enum
Provides a service archive export and import service.
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
Provides an implementation for cloud instances for use when send messages from the System Event Publisher
Provides an entity describing connection details to an external service.
Provides an abstract service executor class able of using the ServiceConnection VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a service connection archive export and import service.
Provides a ServiceConnectionClient VO executor class able of using the ServiceConnectionClient VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a ServiceConnectionClient VO processor class able of extracting the ServiceConnectionClient VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a DAO for the ServiceConnection entity.
Provides a ServiceConnection VO executor class able of using the ServiceConnection VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a ServiceConnection VO processor class able of extracting the ServiceConnection VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides an entity describing a service definition.
Provides a DAO for the ServiceDefinition entity.
This class is used to hold the details of the Submission Storage Service Definition used for purging PII data
Provides a ServiceDefinition VO executor class able of using the ServiceDefinition VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a ServiceDefinition VO processor class able of extracting the ServiceDefinition VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a service factory which creates all kinds of service objects.
Provides a Service Locator for looking up service classes.
Provides a typed parameter used to configure a service.
Provides an abstract service executor class able of using the ServiceParameter VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a ServiceParameterClient VO executor class able of using the ServiceParameter VO to apply the required changes into the database.
Provides a ServiceParameterClient VO processor class able of extracting the ServiceParameterClient VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides a ServiceParameter DAO class.
Provides a ServiceParameter VO executor class able of using the ServiceParameter VO to apply the required changes into the database.
The Class ServiceParameterHistory.
Provides a DAO for the ServiceParameterHistory entity.
Provides a ServiceParameter VO processor class able of extracting the ServiceParameter VO(s) from the VO hierarchy and add addition properties if needed.
Provides Servlet Utility methods.
The decoded user agent browser types.
Provides an HttpSessionListener implementations to log the last access time for the user when the session logs out.
Provides a password encoder using Argon2 hashing algorithms.
Provides a simple JDBC DataSource factory class to be used by the database version management service.
Provides a simple implemention of a ping handler.
Provides a Quartz connection provider class.
Provides the XML path constants of AvokaGenericInclude.xsd schema.
Provides an SMTP Email Service.
Provide an Email Format instance for use in Velocity templates.
Provides a SObject SalesForce service class.
Provide a Form Space value object class.
Provides a Microsoft SharePoint Client class with web service factory methods.
Provides a Microsoft SharePoint connection class.
Provides a SharePoint exception for SOAP fault messages generated on the SharePoint server.
Provide a Spring ApplicationContext filter, to make the Spring ApplicationContext available.
Provide a thread local Spring ApplicationContext.
Provides SQL utility functions
Provides an Symantec Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.
Provides an Symantec Scan Engine Virus Scan Service.
Provides an SSO Filter to perform pre-authentication processing.
Provides an authentication token used for single-sign on (SSO) authentication.
Provides an SSO Authentication Token returned by the Saml2Parser in the Saml2ParserResult.
Status management services that handles scheduled status changes.
Status management Job that execute scheduled status changes.
Provides a utils class for status functionality of a Space, Organisation, Form, or Template Version
Provides Form Command Standard Error Keys.
Provides an immutable StepConfig configuration class.
Provides a callback interface that the user can implement to allow code to execute when the request is complete.
Provides a stream consumer factory which creates consumer based on service connection.
Represents a collection of stream records.
Abstract class representing a set of stream listeners for processing stream records.
Provides a stream producer factory which creates producer based on service connection.
Provide a record in a stream, containing topic, key, value, partition, and offset information.
Provides Stream Wakeup exception.
Provides a string comparator that can sort in ascending or descending order.
use PropertyComparator instead, or VersionComparator for semantic version number comparison
Provides a string encrypter utility.
Provides a StringTemplate which utilizes the Velocity Engine.
Provides an entity containing data submitted by the user along with additional information and status values.
Provides a form Submission element.
Provides a service to confirm to Submission Authentication required status.
Provides an submission asynchronous message entity.
Provides an submission asynchronous message body entity.
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionAsyncMsg entity.
Provides a submission attribute entity for storing large text attribute values (2000) characters associated with a submission record.
Provides utility methods to create submission bean objects to be used for delivery.
Provides a submission comments entity.
Provides a Submission Complete Processor Exception class.
Provides a DAO for the Submission entity.
Provides an entity storing file contents associated with a submission.
Provides a holder for extracted form submission data from LiveCycle ES.
Provides a Submission Data DAO to provide safe read only access to submission data.
Provides a service to extract the XML data document from a Composer HTML form submission.
Provides a submission PII data items purger.
Provides a service to modify submission data.
Provides an submission delivery process checkpoint entity.
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionDeliveryCheckpoint entity.
Provides an implementation of SubmissionDeliveryController.
Provide an Filename Format instance for use in Velocity templates.
Provides an submission delivery function entity.
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionDeliveryFunc entities.
Class to hold only the details needed for Cloud PII Purging
Provides a job triggering email verification after submission.
Provides an form submission email verification service class.
Submission Error Log Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Often there can be a large number of error logs directly associated with a submission - this class is to purge those Purges : Submission error log data
Provides a submission related exception storing the form and submitted data.
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionExtractData.
Provides service methods around submission data extract values
Provides a submission data extract map JSON record using a SchemaExtractMap.
Provides a submission data extract search item hash value.
Provides a formatter populating submission information into a pattern string.
Provides an submission group entity.
Submission Group Purger using Cayenne for the object hierarchy Purges : groups of type submission
Provides a record of a particular version of a submission.
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionHistory entity.
Provides an entity storing the file contents of a submission history entry.
Provides an entity recording submission milestones.
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionMilestone entity.
Purges the PII from Submissions that are ready then marks the submission.deleted_flag as true
Provides the entity class to store submission properties.
Provides a Dao for the SubmissionProperty entity.
Provides a submission property search item hash value.
Provides service methods around submission property values
Submission Purger using Cayenne for the object hierarchy Purges : Submissions
Provides an implementation for the submission receipt service.
A simple bean class to pass around submission related data retention settings.
Provides a submission service.
Provides a DAO for the SubmissionServiceLog entity.
Provides an entity describing a service used by a submission.
Form submission handling Servlet.
Provides submission status service which is responsible for managing submission state changes.
The submission status change.
Provides a bean for submission summary counts.
Provides an interface for the submission target resolver.
Provides an implementation for the submission target resolver.
Provide service for creating Saved Submissions and Tasks.
Provides a form task parameter object.
Provides a review task parameter object.
Provides an anonymous saved form parameter object.
Provides a bean for submission counts for a certain date.
Provides submission related utility methods.
Provides a submission validation error entity.
Provides an submit attachment manually operation dynamic data handler.
Provides a Service Connection value object.
Provide a Service Definition value object class.
Provides support for building system event messages.
Provides an System Event Builder.
Provides a ServletFilter which should queue a system event message using SysEventBuilder.
The SysEventQueue class provides an global JVM in-memory queue for JSON system event messages.
Provides a System Alerting service to notify administrators when significant errors occur.
Provides a implementation of ISysEventPublisher for the System Event Publisher Used to publish system event messages.
Provides an entity encapsulating a number of metrics describing system load and health.
Provides a DAO for the SystemHealth entity.
A job that creates system health entries and publishes them to Amazon Redshift.
Provides service methods for the SystemHealth entity.
Provides a DAO for the Client entity.
Provides a TIInstance enumeration.
A job that monitors critical system functions and sends email to the alert group Group.RECEIVE_SYSTEM_ALERTS.
Provides convenient access to the SystemProfile elements in a form's seed XML.
Provides a set of utilities around the environment SmartForm Manager is installed on.
Provides Task class, a holder of T VO class, status, user permission, and executor class.
Provides a task service.
Provides a TemplateVersion Form Design Metadata (FDM) publisher.
Provides a version of a form template, defining the actual form template files (e.g.
A java bean to store all associated template version property.
Provides a Validator for the TemplateVersionBean.
Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersion entity.
Provides an entity storing the file contents of a template version.
Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersionData entity.
Provides an entity that records a template version change (either having occurred in the past or scheduled for the future).
Provides a DAO for the TemplateVersionDeployment entity.
Provides a job that processes TemplateVersionDeployment entries, changing the current version of specified form templates.
Provides a Test Suite Results table for use in emails.
Provides a services test suite to run a set of unit tests.
Provides Tika Media Type Scan Service.
Provides a time utility class.
Provides an entity modelling TPac packages.
Provides a service archive export and import service.
Various import options controlling which entities will be imported
Provides a DAO for the TPac entity.
Provides an entity containing the binary package data for a TPac package.
Provides an entity containing lightweight historic data about a transaction.
Provides a Transaction History creation service.
Provides a DAO for the TransactionHistory entity.
Provides a Browser count summary class.
Provides a device count summary class.
Form Code and Name value object class
Provides a Operating System count summary class.
Provides a Referer count summary class.
Provides a DAO for the TransactionHistory entity with regards to transaction history publishing.
Provides a simple implementation of a Transaction History Publisher, delegating to a customizable Groovy script.
Publishes transaction history data.
Transaction History Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : transaction_history
Publishes transaction audit data.
Provides methods for publishing transaction audit data to Amazon S3
Provides a Transaction Lookup entity.
Provides a DAO for the TransactionLookup entity.
A job that calls the default service of type ServiceDefinition.SERVICE_TYPE_TRANSACTION_PROCESSOR
Provides the default service of type "Transaction Processor".
Provides a null "Trash Can Delivery" process to be used for form testing purposes.
Provides an Trash Can email service for development and testing purposes which does not sent emails.
Provides a user details checker that checks additional authentication factors if configured.
Provide a Transaction value object class.
Provides a Transaction Delivery Checkpoint value object.
Provides a Transaction Delivery Func value object.
Provides a Cayenne Transaction Executor class, which will execute the specified function in a Cayenne Transaction.
Provides a closure function to call in the transaction executor.
Provides a Txn value object builder class.
Provides a Unit Test Secure Compiler Configuration.
Provides an exception indicating that an entity (such as a form) is not supported by this TM version.
Provides a User type SharePoint class.
Provide a User value object class.
Provides a user account used by SmartForm Manager.
Provides a DAO for the UserAccount entity.
Provides the User Admin Console portal preferences.
Create a User Agent Information reporting class.
Provides a user agent utilities.
Provides a user authentication event entity.
Provides a UserAuthEvent Data Access Object (DAO).
User Authorized Events Purger using batched JDBC calls to reduce data down to the user configured settings Purges : user_auth_event
Provides methods related to UserAuthEvent instances.
Provides parsing of a user bulk import file in XLS format.
Provides a bean storing the outcome of a user bulk import operation.
Provides methods around user bulk import.
Provides a UserGroup SharePoint web service class.
Provides an association between a user account and a group.
Provides a DAO for the UserGroup entity.
Provides a User Portal Preferences class.
Provides a User Portal Preferences Data Access Object (DAO).
Provides an invalid password exception.
Provides a user profile containing a set of user properties and their values (e.g.
Provides a DAO for the UserProfile entity.
Provides UserProfileService SharePoint web service class.
Provides a property value associated with a specific user.
Provides a DAO for the UserProperty entity.
Provides an association between a user and a role.
Provides a DAO for the UserRole entity.
Provides service methods involving UserAccount and related entities.
Provides an abstract service executor class able of using the VO's to apply the required changes into the database.
A java bean to store all associated validation errors.
Provides a Form function validation error.
Provides utility methods around validation.
Provides a base Value Object (VO) for all application value object to extend.
Provides a specialized Velocity Resource loader which loads content from the portal_page and portal_resource tables.
Version utility that supports versions in format "a.b.c-qualifier".
Provides the definition of a required attachment associated with a form template version.
Provides a template VersionAttachment data access object.
Provides a simple comparator that compares two version strings.
Provides a metadata value associated with a form template version.
Provides a DAO for the VersionMetadataValue entity.
Provides a comparator for version numbers in the format a.b.c (e.g.
Provides a version property comparator that is using a version comparator to compare the property values.
Provides a property value associated with a form template version.
Provides a DAO for the VersionMetadataValue entity.
Provides Version Validator Methods.
Wrapper class for FileField to provide virus scanning functionality.
Utility class to provide offering Virus Scan check.
Provides a VirusScanning exception.
Performs a virus scan work.
Provides a Web type SharePoint class.
Resource loader that uses the ServletContext of a webapp to load Velocity templates.
Provides Webs SharePoint web service class.
Provides Work Space DAO operations.
Job search criteria.
Submission search criteria.
Provides a WS-Trust SAML2 Authenticator parser class for delegated user authentication.
Provides an XML 1.0 filter reader.
Provides a XML Document class for use in Groovy scripts.
Provides an mapping from an XML prefill file into a schema seed.
Provides a DAO for the XmlInputMap entity.
Provides a read only Xml Input Map value object for performance caching.
Provides a XML prefill service.
Provides utility methods around schema seed XML manipulation.
Provides XML utility methods.
Provides an XPath implementation that "flips" the standard way of doing Jaxen around - it allows you to define the element once, and then evaluate multiple xpath expressions against that node.
Wrapper class for TextArea to provide enhanced xss protection.
Wrapper class for TextField to provide enhanced xss protection.
Utility class to provide offering configured Xss checked.
Provides XSS utilities.
Provides the _ApplicationClientProperty database entity.
Provides the _ApplicationClientRefData database entity.
Provides the _ApplicationConnection database entity.
Provides the _ApplicationDelivery database entity.
Provides the _ApplicationForm database entity.
Provides the _ApplicationPackage database entity.
Provides the _ApplicationService database entity.
Provides the _Attachment database entity.
Provides the _AuditLog database entity.
Provides the _AuthenticationProvider database entity.
Provides the _AuthProviderParameter database entity.
Provides the _Category database entity.
Provides the _Client database entity.
Provides the _ClientKeystore database entity.
Provides the _ClientMetadataValue database entity.
Provides the _ClientPortal database entity.
Provides the _ClientProperty database entity.
Provides the _ClientReconciliationFile database entity.
Provides the _ClientRefData database entity.
Provides the _ClientRefDataData database entity.
Provides the _ClientUser database entity.
Provides the _ComposerImportAction database entity.
Provides the _ComposerPackageData database entity.
Provides the _ComposerPackageQueue database entity.
Provides the _DbVersionUpdate database entity.
Provides the _DeliveryDetails database entity.
Provides the _DeploymentProperty database entity.
Provides the _DocumentType database entity.
Provides the _EmailQueue database entity.
Provides the _EmailQueueData database entity.
Provides the _ErrorLog database entity.
Provides the _ErrorLogData database entity.
Provides the _EventInbox database entity.
Provides the _EventLog database entity.
Provides the _EventOutbox database entity.
Provides the _FileUpload database entity.
Provides the _FileUploadData database entity.
Provides the _Folder database entity.
Provides the _Form database entity.
Provides the _FormCategory database entity.
Provides the _FormDesign database entity.
Provides the _FormDesignVersion database entity.
Provides the _FormDesignVersionInclude database entity.
Provides the _FormDesignVersionProperty database entity.
Provides the _FormFunction database entity.
Provides the _FormGroup database entity.
Provides the _FormPortal database entity.
Provides the _FormReceiptSequence database entity.
Provides the _GroovyServiceLog database entity.
Provides the _GroovyServiceLogData database entity.
Provides the _Group database entity.
Provides the _GroupAgentLock database entity.
Provides the _ImportAction database entity.
Provides the _ImportActionData database entity.
Provides the _ImportActionDetail database entity.
Provides the _IntegrityCheckerLog database entity.
Provides the _Job database entity.
Provides the _JobAction database entity.
Provides the _JobComment database entity.
Provides the _JobEventLog database entity.
Provides the _JobGroup database entity.
Provides the _JobHistory database entity.
Provides the _JobProperty database entity.
Provides the _JobPropertySearch database entity.
Provides the _JobStatusHistory database entity.
Provides the _JobStep database entity.
Provides the _Library database entity.
Provides the _LibraryResource database entity.
Provides the _LibraryResourceData database entity.
Provides the _LibraryResourceHistory database entity.
Provides the _LibraryShare database entity.
Provides the _MetadataListValue database entity.
Provides the _MetadataTag database entity.
Provides the _Notification database entity.
Provides the _PaymentItem database entity.
Provides the _PaymentLog database entity.
Provides the _Permission database entity.
Provides the _Portal database entity.
Provides the _PortalPage database entity.
Provides the _PortalPageHistory database entity.
Provides the _PortalProperty database entity.
Provides the _PortalResource database entity.
Provides the _PortalResourceHistory database entity.
Provides the _PortalUser database entity.
Provides the _PrefillParamXpathMap database entity.
Provides the _ProcessingStatus database entity.
Provides the _Project database entity.
Provides the _ProjectFormTag database entity.
Provides the _ProjectFormTagData database entity.
Provides the _ProjectInclude database entity.
Provides the _PromotionLog database entity.
Provides the _PropertyPrefillMap database entity.
Provides the _PropertyType database entity.
Provides the _ReleaseVersion database entity.
Provides the _RequestLog database entity.
Provides the _RequiredAttachment database entity.
Provides the _Role database entity.
Provides the _RolePermission database entity.
Provides the _ScheduledJobHistory database entity.
Provides the _SchemaExtractMap database entity.
Provides the _SchemaSeed database entity.
Provides the _SecurityManager database entity.
Provides the _SecurityManagerLog database entity.
Provides the _SecurityManagerLogData database entity.
Provides the _SecurityManagerParameter database entity.
Provides the _ServerHealthStatusMetric database entity.
Provides the _ServerNode database entity.
Provides the _ServiceConnection database entity.
Provides the _ServiceDefinition database entity.
Provides the _ServiceParameter database entity.
Provides the _ServiceParameterHistory database entity.
Provides the _Submission database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionAsyncMsg database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionAsyncMsgBody database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionAttribute database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionComment database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionData database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionDeliveryCheckpoint database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionDeliveryFunc database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionExtractData database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionExtractJson database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionExtractSearch database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionGroup database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionHistory database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionHistoryData database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionMilestone database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionProperty database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionPropertySearch database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionServiceLog database entity.
Provides the _SubmissionValidationError database entity.
Provides the _SystemHealth database entity.
Provides the _TemplateVersion database entity.
Provides the _TemplateVersionData database entity.
Provides the _TemplateVersionDeployment database entity.
Provides the _TPac database entity.
Provides the _TPacData database entity.
Provides the _TransactionHistory database entity.
Provides the _TransactionLookup database entity.
Provides the _UserAccount database entity.
Provides the _UserAuthEvent database entity.
Provides the _UserGroup database entity.
Provides the _UserPortalPref database entity.
Provides the _UserProfile database entity.
Provides the _UserProperty database entity.
Provides the _UserRole database entity.
Provides the _VersionAttachment database entity.
Provides the _VersionMetadataValue database entity.
Provides the _VersionPropertyValue database entity.
Provides the _XmlInputMap database entity.