Class FileAttach


public class FileAttach extends Object
Provide a Transaction File Attachment value object class.
  • Constructor Details

    • FileAttach

      public FileAttach()
    • FileAttach

      public FileAttach(Attachment attachment)
      Create a file attachment value object.
      attachment - the transaction attachment entity (required)
    • FileAttach

      public FileAttach(String attachmentName, String fileName, byte[] fileData, String userDescription)
      Create a file attachment value object with the given attachment name, file name, file data and user description.
      attachmentName - the required attachment name (required)
      fileName - the file name of the attachment (required). Note: The filename parameter should have the extension specified. e.g., filename.pdf etc.
      fileData - the attachment file data (required)
      userDescription - the user description of the file attachment (optional)
    • FileAttach

      public FileAttach(String attachmentName, String fileName, byte[] fileData)
      Create a file attachment value object with the given attachment name, file name and file data.
      attachmentName - the required attachment name (required)
      fileName - the file name of the attachment (required). Note: The filename parameter should have the extension specified. e.g., filename.pdf etc.
      fileData - the attachment file data (required)
    • FileAttach

      public FileAttach(Map fields)
      Create a unit testing FileAttach value object with the given fields.
      fields - the file attach entity fields (required)
  • Method Details

    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
      a string representation of the object.
    • getId

      public Long getId()
      The attachment id (PK).
    • getAttachKey

      public String getAttachKey()
      The required attachment key.
    • getAttachName

      public String getAttachName()
      The required attachment name.
    • getSubmitMethod

      public String getSubmitMethod()
      The attachment submission method [ Electronic | Manual ].
    • getDataDeleted

      public Boolean getDataDeleted()
      The file attachment data has been deleted.
    • getFileName

      public String getFileName()
      The attachment file name.
    • getFileData

      public byte[] getFileData()
      The attachment file data.
    • getFileDataHash

      public String getFileDataHash()
      The attachment file data hash (SHA256).
    • getFileSize

      public Long getFileSize()
      The attachment file data size in bytes.
    • getTimeUploaded

      public Date getTimeUploaded()
      The time the attachment was uploaded.
    • getContentType

      public String getContentType()
      The file attachment content type.
    • getUserDesc

      public String getUserDesc()
      The user description.
    • getUserLoginName

      public String getUserLoginName()
      The user login name (username).
    • getVirusStatus

      public String getVirusStatus()
      The virus scan status.