Class SubmissionTaskService.FormTaskParam

Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public static class SubmissionTaskService.FormTaskParam extends Object
Provides a form task parameter object.
  • Field Details

    • portal

      public Portal portal
      The associated Portal.
    • form

      public Form form
      The form the form to fill (required).
    • templateVersion

      public TemplateVersion templateVersion
      The submission form version (optional)
    • taskSubject

      public String taskSubject
      The task subject (required).
    • taskMessage

      public String taskMessage
      The task message.
    • sequence

      public Integer sequence
      The sequence number that can be set to number tasks that are part of a set (optional).
    • user

      public UserAccount user
      The user the user account to assign the task to (must be specified if group is not).
    • group

      public Group group
      The group to assign the task to (must be specified if user is not). This attribute is considered only if the groups attribute is not set
    • groups

      public Collection<Group> groups
      The set of groups to assign the task to (must be specified if user is not).
    • allowClaimFlag

      public boolean allowClaimFlag
      The flag controlling whether the task is claimable exclusively by a single user (optional, only possible if the task is assigned to group(s)).
    • formDataXml

      public String formDataXml
      The form XML data (schema seed) for the form.
    • inputXmlData

      public String inputXmlData
      The input pre-fill data XML for the form.
    • address

      public String address
      The task location address.
    • latitude

      public Double latitude
      The latitude component of the geolocation information (optional; can range from -90 to 90).
    • longitude

      public Double longitude
      The longitude component of the geolocation information (optional; can range from -180 to 180).
    • datetimeScheduled

      public Date datetimeScheduled
      The scheduling information that can be displayed to the assignee(s) (optional).
    • datetimeExpiry

      public Date datetimeExpiry
      The date/time when the task shall expire (optional; needs to be in the future).
    • sendEmailFlag

      public boolean sendEmailFlag
      The the flag to specify whether this task needs to send out email.
    • emailSubject

      public String emailSubject
      The email subject.
    • emailMessage

      public String emailMessage
      The the email body.
    • userDeletableFlag

      public boolean userDeletableFlag
      The flag to specify whether the user can delete this flag.
    • jobAction

      public JobAction jobAction
      The associated Job action, to associate with this submission.
  • Constructor Details

    • FormTaskParam

      public FormTaskParam()
      Provides a no args constructor.
    • FormTaskParam

      public FormTaskParam(SubmissionTaskService.FormTaskParam param)
      Provides a copy constructor.
      param - the form task param to copy