Class ImportActionDao

public class ImportActionDao extends AbstractDao
Provides an ImportAction Data Access Object.
  • Constructor Details

    • ImportActionDao

      public ImportActionDao()
  • Method Details

    • getImportActionForPk

      public ImportAction getImportActionForPk(Object entityId)
      Return the import action with the specified OID
      entityId - the OID
      the matching import action, or null if not found
    • getImportActionList

      public List<ImportAction> getImportActionList(String clientId, String importType, String status, Date startDate, Date endDate, int pageSize)
      Return a list of import action matching the search criteria
      clientId - the OID of the client that was imported to (optional)
      importType - the import type (one of ImportAction.IMPORT_TYPES, optional)
      status - the import status (one of ImportAction.IMPORT_STATUS_VALUES, optional)
      startDate - the lower bound on the import time (optional)
      endDate - the upper bound on the import time (optional)
      pageSize - the page size to be used in the query
      the list of matching import actions, sorted by import time and creation time in descending order
    • getPurgeImportActionIdList

      public List<Long> getPurgeImportActionIdList(Date cutoffDate, int fetchLimit)
      Return the list of OIDs of import actions that can be purged
      cutoffDate - the query cut off date
      fetchLimit - the query fetch limit
      the list of import action OIDs to purge