Interface SysEventBuilder.ISysEventBuilder

Enclosing class:

public static interface SysEventBuilder.ISysEventBuilder
Provides an System Event Builder.
  • Method Details

    • addAuditLog

      void addAuditLog(AuditLog al)
      Registers the audit log for inclusion in the system event messages.
      al - the audit log to be included in system event messages(required)
    • addSubmission

      void addSubmission(Submission sub)
      Registers the submission for inclusion in the system event messages.
      sub - Submission to be included in system event messages(required)
    • addJob

      void addJob(Job job)
      Registers the job for inclusion in system event messages.
      job - Job to be included in system event messages required)
    • addMilestone

      void addMilestone(SubmissionMilestone sm)
      Registers the submission milestone for inclusion in the system event messages.
      sm - SubmissionMilestone to be included in system event messages required)
    • addProperty

      void addProperty(SubmissionProperty sp)
      Registers the submission property for inclusion in the system event messages.
      sp - Submission Property to be included in system event messages required)
    • addFormDataMap

      void addFormDataMap(Map<String,String> fdm, Submission sub)
      Registers the form data map for inclusion in the system event messages.
      fdm - the form data map to be included in system event messages(required)
      sub - Submission to be included in system event messages(required)
    • addGroovyServiceLog

      void addGroovyServiceLog(GroovyServiceLog gsl)
      Registers the Groovy Service Log for inclusion in the system event messages.
      gsl - GroovyServiceLog to be included in system event messages(required)
    • addErrorLog

      void addErrorLog(ErrorLog er)
      Registers the Error Log for inclusion in the system event messages.
      er - ErrorLog to be included in system event messages(required)
    • addEventLog

      void addEventLog(EventLog el)
      Registers the Event Log for inclusion in the system event messages.
      el - EventLog to be included in system event messages(required)
    • addSystemHealth

      void addSystemHealth(SystemHealth sh)
      Registers the System Health for inclusion in the system event messages.
      sh - System Health to be included in system event messages(required)
    • addUserAuth

      void addUserAuth(UserAuthEvent uae)
      Registers the User Auth Event for inclusion in the system event messages.
      uae - User Auth Event to be included in system event messages(required)
    • buildMsgs

      List<String> buildMsgs()
      Builds a list of JSON system event messages.
      the list of JSON system event messages to publish.
    • buildMsgs

      List<String> buildMsgs(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Builds a list of JSON system event messages for the given request.
      request - the servlet request
      the list of JSON system event messages to publish