Class LdapUserQuery


public class LdapUserQuery extends Object
Provides an LDAP User Query authenticating the LDAP user credentials and returning the specified attributes.
  • Constructor Details

    • LdapUserQuery

      public LdapUserQuery()
  • Method Details

    • getUserAttributes

      public Map<String,Object> getUserAttributes(String providerUrl, String securityPrincipal, String securityCredential, String searchBase, String searchFilter, boolean searchSubTree, List<String> attributeNames) throws NamingException
      Perform a LDAP user query and return the specified user attributes. This method will not use LDAP connection pooling.
      providerUrl - the LDAP provider server URL
      securityPrincipal - the user distinguished name
      securityCredential - the user password
      searchBase - the LDAP query search base
      searchFilter - the LDAP search filter
      searchSubTree - specify whether to use subtree search scope, or single level otherwise
      attributeNames - the list attributes to return
      the user attributes
      NamingException - if an error occurs
    • getUserAttributes

      public Map<String,Object> getUserAttributes(String providerUrl, String securityPrincipal, String securityCredential, String searchBase, String searchFilter, boolean searchSubTree, List<String> attributeNames, boolean ldapConnectPooling) throws NamingException
      Perform a LDAP user query and return the specified user attributes and LDAP connection pooling.
      providerUrl - the LDAP provider server URL
      securityPrincipal - the user distinguished name
      securityCredential - the user password
      searchBase - the LDAP query search base
      searchFilter - the LDAP search filter
      searchSubTree - specify whether to use subtree search scope, or single level otherwise
      attributeNames - the list attributes to return
      ldapConnectPooling - use Sun LDAP connection pooling
      the user attributes
      NamingException - if an error occurs