Class TPacArchiveService

public class TPacArchiveService extends BaseArchiveService
Provides a service archive export and import service.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TPacArchiveService

      public TPacArchiveService()
  • Method Details

    • setNewClientCode

      public void setNewClientCode(String newClientCode)
      Set the client code of the import target client.
      newClientCode - the client code (optional; if not specified, the client in the archive will be used)
    • validateImportData

      public void validateImportData(byte[] importData) throws IOException, ImportValidationException
      Description copied from class: BaseArchiveService
      Validate an archive before it is imported.
      Specified by:
      validateImportData in class BaseArchiveService
      importData - the import archive as a byte array
    • getImportMetadata

      public Map<String,String> getImportMetadata(byte[] importData) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: BaseArchiveService
      Retrieve the set of metadata values describing an archive that is being imported.
      Specified by:
      getImportMetadata in class BaseArchiveService
      importData - the import archive as a byte array
      a map of metadata names and their values
      Exception - if an error occurs while the metadata is being loaded
    • getImportMetadata

      public Map<String,Object> getImportMetadata(byte[] importData, String newClientCode) throws Exception
      Retrieve metadata describing the archive contents and expected import outcome.
      importData - the archive byte data (required)
      newClientCode - the client code that the new services shall be imported to (optional)
      a map of import metadata
      Exception - if an error occurs
    • getImportOptionEnum

      public IJMImportOption getImportOptionEnum()
      Return a value from the import option enum, if this service has import options. Can be used to call IJMImportOption.defaultForImportAction(String)
      getImportOptionEnum in class BaseArchiveService
      one of the import options
    • writeExportData

      protected void writeExportData(Object object, ZipOutputStream zos, Map<String,String> additionalHeaders) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: BaseArchiveService
      Does the actual export of the data without having to worry about handling errors or preparing and closing the stream
      Specified by:
      writeExportData in class BaseArchiveService
      object - the non-null object to be exported
      zos - the stream to be written to
      additionalHeaders - the map of additional headers to be included in metadata
      Exception - if an error occurs
    • processImportFile

      protected void processImportFile(String fileName, byte[] fileData) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: BaseArchiveService
      For a given file in the imported archive, the service stores its contents as it sees fit, preserving what it will need to recreate entities later. This operation happens before the database transaction wrapping the actual import to the SFM database.
      Specified by:
      processImportFile in class BaseArchiveService
      fileName - the full file name of the ZIP file entry (e.g. form/TestForm.pdf)
      fileData - the file data of the ZIP file entry
      Exception - if an error occurs
    • performImport

      protected void performImport(ImportAction importAction, Set<? extends Enum> importOptions, Map<String,Object> parameters) throws Exception
      Description copied from class: BaseArchiveService
      Performs the act of importing the data contained in the archive to the SFM database. When this method will be called, the caller is expected to have established a transaction, and will also handle errors thrown by this method.
      Specified by:
      performImport in class BaseArchiveService
      importAction - the import action related to this import
      importOptions - the set of import options that should be applied
      parameters - optional parameters to be used during import
      Exception - If an error occurs. The caller is responsible for rolling back the transaction to avoid contaminating the database.
    • getEntityName

      protected String getEntityName()
      Description copied from class: BaseArchiveService
      Return the name identifying the individual entity being exported (e.g. for a client, the client's name)
      Specified by:
      getEntityName in class BaseArchiveService
      the entity name
    • preparedImport

      public ImportAction preparedImport(String fileName, byte[] importData, String creatorLoginName) throws IOException, ImportValidationException
      prepare import and generate import action
      fileName - file name to import
      importData - file data to import
      creatorLoginName - creator login name
      ImportAction object that could be used in the following call like performImport()
      IOException - if any IO error happens
      ImportValidationException - if import validation fails
    • performImport

      public void performImport(String clientCode, ImportAction importAction, boolean override, boolean checkConflict) throws Exception
      perform a TPac Import. Typically it needs preparedImport() to be called first to generate ImportAction passing in as parameter. if checkConflict is true, it will throw error if existing global services have same name as importing one, or has existing service in same org but override is false.
      clientCode - the client code that TPac goes into
      importAction - ImportAction from preparedImport() method call earlier
      override - override existing assets
      checkConflict - check conflict and throw exception when - there is global service name with same name in importing TPac - there is service with same name in same org and override is false
      Exception - if an error occurs
    • exportAuditLogger

      protected void exportAuditLogger(Object object)
      Implement abstract method from BaseArchiveService however no action is performed as we do not export Tpacs This method should not be called as Tpacs are not exported
      Specified by:
      exportAuditLogger in class BaseArchiveService
      object - Object that was exported (Optional)
    • importAuditLogger

      protected void importAuditLogger(ImportAction importAction)
      Create an entry in the audit log when an import is performed This is called before the postImport method
      Specified by:
      importAuditLogger in class BaseArchiveService
      importAction - ImportAction containing action performed (required)
      object - ImportAction containing action performed (required)