Class AttachmentSummaryUtils


public class AttachmentSummaryUtils extends Object
Provides methods to create attachment summary XML data.

Example Content

The Attachment Summary XML structure is illustrated below:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static final String
    The attachment element name used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The attachment key element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The attachment name element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The attachment element name used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The content type element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The document name element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The file name element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The file size element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The formatted file size element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The file upload type element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The required flag element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The submitted manually flag element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The user description element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The view URL element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
    static final String
    The virus status element used by
    invalid reference
    AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    populateAttachmentSummary(Submission submission, Document document, String xPath, Set<String> attachmentNamesToInclude)
    Populates information about a submission's attachments into an XML document.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details


      public static final String ATTACHMENT_SUMMARY_ELEMENT
      The attachment element name used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String ATTACHMENT_ELEMENT
      The attachment element name used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String ATTACHMENT_KEY_ELEMENT
      The attachment key element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String ATTACHMENT_NAME_ELEMENT
      The attachment name element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String CONTENT_TYPE_ELEMENT
      The content type element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String DOCUMENT_CODE_ELEMENT
      The document name element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String FILE_NAME_ELEMENT
      The file name element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String FILE_SIZE_ELEMENT
      The file size element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String FILE_SIZE_FORMATTED_ELEMENT
      The formatted file size element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String FILE_UPLOAD_TYPE_ELEMENT
      The file upload type element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String REQUIRED_ELEMENT
      The required flag element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String SUBMITTED_MANUALLY_ELEMENT
      The submitted manually flag element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String USER_DESCRIPTION_ELEMENT
      The user description element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String VIEW_URL_ELEMENT
      The view URL element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:

      public static final String VIRUS_STATUS_ELEMENT
      The virus status element used by
      invalid reference
      AttachmentSummaryUtils#populateAttachmentSummary(Document, String, Submission)
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • AttachmentSummaryUtils

      public AttachmentSummaryUtils()
  • Method Details

    • populateAttachmentSummary

      public static void populateAttachmentSummary(Submission submission, Document document, String xPath, Set<String> attachmentNamesToInclude)
      Populates information about a submission's attachments into an XML document.
      submission - the submission (required)
      document - the XML document where attachment information shall be written (required)
      xPath - the XPath that will serve as the parent element for the attachment elements (must point to a valid element in the document)
      attachmentNamesToInclude - the set of attachment names to include (optional; if not specified, all attachments will be included)