Class NotificationDao

public class NotificationDao extends AbstractDao
Provides a DAO for the Notification entity.
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • NotificationDao

      public NotificationDao()
  • Method Details

    • getNotificationList

      public List<Notification> getNotificationList(String message, String portal, Date startDate, Date endDate, String sortBy, boolean ascending, int pageSize)
      Return the list of notifications matching the specified search criteria
      message - a substring of the notification message (optional)
      portal - the OID of the portal associated with the notification (optional)
      startDate - the lower bound on the notification start date (optional)
      endDate - the upper bound on the notification end date (optional)
      sortBy - the attribute to sort by (optional, defaults to notification start date if not set)
      ascending - whether to sort in ascending order (applies only if sortBy is set)
      pageSize - the page size used in the query
      the list of matching notifications
    • getStatusUpdates

      public List<Notification> getStatusUpdates()
      Return a List of scheduled status changes (Notification entities of type StatusChange)
      List of status changes that are past the current date.
    • getNotificationListForSearchPage

      public List<Notification> getNotificationListForSearchPage(NotificationType type, Status status, String message, String portal, String form, String client, Date startDate, Date endDate, String sortBy, boolean ascending, int pageSize)
      Return the list of notifications matching the specified search criteria. Can handle both Notification and Status Change Types
      type - Type of the notification
      status - Status for Status change
      message - a substring of the notification message (optional)
      portal - the OID of the portal associated with the notification (optional)
      startDate - the lower bound on the notification start date (optional)
      endDate - the upper bound on the notification end date (optional)
      sortBy - the attribute to sort by (optional, defaults to notification start date if not set)
      ascending - whether to sort in ascending order (applies only if sortBy is set)
      pageSize - the page size used in the query
      List of Notification matching search parameters
    • getCurrentNotificationsForPortal

      public List<Notification> getCurrentNotificationsForPortal(Portal portal)
      Return the list of current notifications for the specified portal
      portal - the portal object
      the list of current notifications