Class EventOutboxDao

public class EventOutboxDao extends AbstractDao
Provides a DAO for the EventOutbox entity.
  • Constructor Details

    • EventOutboxDao

      public EventOutboxDao()
  • Method Details

    • getEventOutboxForId

      public EventOutbox getEventOutboxForId(Long id)
      Return the EventOutbox entity for the given EventOutbox id.
      id - the EventOutbox id (required)
      the EventOutbox entity for the given EventOutbox id
    • getEventListForProcessing

      public List<EventOutbox> getEventListForProcessing(int fetchLimit, int queueTimeout, int inProgressTimeout, int maxRetry)
      Return the list of EventOutbox entities which needs to be processed
      fetchLimit - the maximum limit to limit the number of result objects.
      queueTimeout - the maximum time we expect an outbox event to be in Blocking Queue(in milliseconds).
      inProgressTimeout - the maximum time we expect an outbox event to be in progress status (waiting for process to be completed)(in milliseconds).
      maxRetry - the maxRetry to send outbox events
      the list of EventOutbox entities