Class UserProfileService


public class UserProfileService extends AbstractService
Provides UserProfileService SharePoint web service class.

User Profile Service SharePoint Example

The Groovy script example below illustrates using the UserProfileService service to look up a User Profile and get its user profile property data object. In this example the account name is specified by the accountname String object.

 import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
 import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.UserProfileService
 import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.type.PropertyData
 import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.type.PropertyValue

 // Create a SharePoint client using the service parameters map with the configured connection details
 def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)

 // Create a UserProfileService web service
 def userProfileServiceService = spClient.getUserProfileService()

 // Get a user profile property data object for the given account name
 def userPropertyData = userProfileServiceService.getUserProfileByName(accountname)

 // Iterate through Property Data Map Names
 Mapinvalid input: '<'String, List> propMap = userPropertyData.getPropertyDataMap()
 Iterator propKeyIter = propMap.keySet().iterator()
 while (propKeyIter.hasNext()) {
     String propName = (String)
     // Get Property Value, Type List and iterate through
     List propValueList = propMap.get(propName)
     Iterator propValueIter = propValueList.iterator()
     while (propValueIter.hasNext()) {
         PropertyValue propValue = (PropertyValue)
         def value = propValue.getValue()
         def type = propValue.getType()
         // Use type, value ..
  • Constructor Details

    • UserProfileService

      public UserProfileService(SPConnection sharePointConnection)
      Instantiate the UserProfileService Interface wrapper with Sharepoint Connection context
      sharePointConnection - Sharepoint connection context
  • Method Details

    • getServiceName

      public String getServiceName()
      Return the web service name.
      Specified by:
      getServiceName in class AbstractService
      the web service name
    • getUserProfileByName

      public PropertyData getUserProfileByName(String accountName) throws SPException
      Gets the user profile property information by account name.

      Groovy Example

      The Groovy script example below illustrates using the UserProfileService service to look up a User Profile and get its user profile property data object. In this example the account name is specified by the accountname String object.

       import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.SPClient
       import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.service.UserProfileService
       import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.type.PropertyData
       import com.avoka.component.sharepoint.type.PropertyValue
       // Create a SharePoint client using the service parameters map with the configured connection details
       def spClient = new SPClient(serviceParameters)
       // Create a UserProfileService web service
       def userProfileServiceService = spClient.getUserProfileService()
       // Get a user profile property data object for the given account name
       def userPropertyData = userProfileServiceService.getUserProfileByName(accountname)
       // Iterate through Property Data Map Names
       Mapinvalid input: '<'String, List> propMap = userPropertyData.getPropertyDataMap()
       Iterator propKeyIter = propMap.keySet().iterator()
       while (propKeyIter.hasNext()) {
           String propName = (String)
           // Get Property Value, Type List and iterate through
           List propValueList = propMap.get(propName)
           Iterator propValueIter = propValueList.iterator()
           while (propValueIter.hasNext()) {
               PropertyValue propValue = (PropertyValue)
               def value = propValue.getValue()
               def type = propValue.getType()
               // Use type, value ..

      Web Service Method

      The Microsoft SharePoint Web Service SOAP Method:

      The MSDN Method Reference:


      accountName - The account name of the user profile to be retrieved.
      PropertyData object representing the property information about the specified user profile.
      SPException - in case of Sharepoint error response