Class SecurityManagerService

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class SecurityManagerService extends CayenneService implements ISecurityManagerService
Provides a Security Manager service which is associated with a Security Manager configuration entity.
See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final Integer PERMANENT_LOCKOUT
      Provides the 'permanent lockout' property value.
  • Constructor Details

    • SecurityManagerService

      public SecurityManagerService(SecurityManager securityManager, Portal portal)
      Create a Security Manager Service with the given security manager configuration entity and portal.
      securityManager - the security manager configuration entity
      portal - the associated portal
  • Method Details

    • createAuthenticationProvider

      public createAuthenticationProvider(AuthenticationProvider providerEntity)
      Create an Spring Security AuthenticationProvider instance using the associated Portal and AuthenticationProvider configuration entity.
      Specified by:
      createAuthenticationProvider in interface ISecurityManagerService
      providerEntity - the AuthenticationProvider configuration entity
      a Spring Security AuthenticationProvider
      See Also:
      • invalid reference
    • createUserAndProfile

      public UserAccount createUserAndProfile(String loginName, String email, String password, String givenName, String familyName, String mobile, Map<String,String> profileMap, String authenticationDomain, String userType, boolean isSelfRegistration) throws ApplicationException
      Create a new user account and profile
      Specified by:
      createUserAndProfile in interface ISecurityManagerService
      loginName - the user id (required)
      email - the user email address (optional)
      password - the user password (required for Local userType accounts)
      givenName - the user first name (optional)
      familyName - the user last name (optional)
      mobile - the user mobile phone number (optional)
      profileMap - the map of user profile names and values to create
      authenticationDomain - the authentication domain (not used since 4.2.1)
      userType - the type of user account (required)
      isSelfRegistration - the flag specifying whether the user self registered
      the new user account
      ApplicationException - if an error occur creating the new user account
      See Also:
      • invalid reference
        ISecurityManagerService#createUserAndProfile(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, Portal, boolean)
    • getAuthenticationProviders

      public List<> getAuthenticationProviders()
      Return the list of Spring Security AuthenticationProvider instances.
      Specified by:
      getAuthenticationProviders in interface ISecurityManagerService
      the list of Spring Security AuthenticationProvider instances
      See Also:
    • doesUserExist

      public boolean doesUserExist(String userId)
      Return true if a user with the given login name already exists.
      Specified by:
      doesUserExist in interface ISecurityManagerService
      userId - the user id or login name (required)
      true if a user with the given login name already exists
      See Also:
    • doesPasswordMatch

      public boolean doesPasswordMatch(String password, UserAccount userAccount)
      Return true if the plain text password value matches the local user account password.
      Specified by:
      doesPasswordMatch in interface ISecurityManagerService
      password - plain text password value (required)
      userAccount - the local user account, must a 'Local' user type (required)
      true if the plain text password value matches the local user account password
    • onSuccessfulLogin

      public UserAccount onSuccessfulLogin(String userId, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Event listener for successful user login event. This method will update the status of the user account and return the update account.
      Specified by:
      onSuccessfulLogin in interface ISecurityManagerService
      userId - the login userId (login name).
      request - the user HTTP request
      the logged in user account
    • onFailedLogin

      public UserAccount onFailedLogin(String userId, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Event listener for unsuccessful user login event. This method will update the status of the user account and return the updated account
      Specified by:
      onFailedLogin in interface ISecurityManagerService
      userId - the login userId (login name).
      request - the user HTTP request
      the failed login user account, or null if no user found
    • onSessionExpiry

      public void onSessionExpiry(String userId, Date lastAccessTime)
      Event listener for the user session expiry or logout.
      Specified by:
      onSessionExpiry in interface ISecurityManagerService
      userId - the login userId (login name).
      lastAccessTime - the time the user last accessed the application
      See Also:
    • onSessionExpiry

      public void onSessionExpiry(String userId, Date lastAccessTime, String sessionId)
      Event listener for the user session expiry or logout.
      Specified by:
      onSessionExpiry in interface ISecurityManagerService
      userId - the login userId (login name).
      lastAccessTime - the time the user last accessed the application
      sessionId - the user session id
      See Also:
    • validatePassword

      public String validatePassword(String password)
      Return null if the password is valid for the security manager configuration, otherwise return an error message.
      Specified by:
      validatePassword in interface ISecurityManagerService
      password - the password value to validate
      null if the password is valid for the security manager configuration, otherwise return an error message
      See Also: