Class StatusManagementJob

All Implemented Interfaces:
org.quartz.InterruptableJob, org.quartz.Job

public class StatusManagementJob extends BaseJob
Status management Job that execute scheduled status changes.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • StatusManagementJob

      public StatusManagementJob()
  • Method Details

    • executeJob

      public void executeJob()
      Description copied from class: AbstractJob
      Subclasses should override this method to provide their functionality.

      A DataContext object will be bound to the thread executing this task. Any uncommitted changes to the DataContext will be automatically rolled back when this method completes.

      Specified by:
      executeJob in class AbstractJob
    • logException

      public ErrorLog logException(Throwable error)
      Log the exception to the ErrorLog if an error occurs performing the job and send an System Alert email.
      logException in class AbstractJob
      error - the exception to log (required)
      the new ErrorLog record