Class FormUtils


public final class FormUtils extends Object
Provides miscellaneous form related utility methods.
  • Constructor Summary

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    static void
    appendSessionFormRequestParameters(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession session, StringBuilder urlBuilder)
    Append the session form URL request parameters to the URL string builder.
    static void
    appendSessionFormRequestParameters(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession session, StringBuilder urlBuilder, Map<String,Object> addedParams)
    Append the session form URL request parameters to the URL string builder.
    static boolean
    checkRequestLogUser(RequestLog requestLog, String userNameToCheck)
    Checks if the given user name matches the user name stored in the request log.
    static void
    clearFormRequestParams(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Clear the request parameters in the session under the key 'FormRequestParams'.
    static String
    createOfflineSubmitXML(Document seedDocument, String actionType, String actionUrl, String errorMessage)
    Create offline submit XML from a given submission.
    static boolean
    Return true if the form's current template version supports HTML 'Embed with Div'.
    static String
    encodeURLParamsAsJsonPrefillData(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Return the URL request parameters encoded as a JSON prefill data object.
    static boolean
    ensureRequestedFormValid( page, Form form)
    Validate a form that is being requested by a user.
    static boolean
    ensureRequestedFormValid( page, String formCode)
    Validate a form that is being requested by a user.
    static String
    getAcrobatVersion(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Return the version number of Adobe Acrobat or Reader as contained in the request
    static String
    getFormGuideFilename(byte[] templateFileData)
    Return the file name of the Adobe LiveCycle ES form guide contained in the specified template zip file.
    static Long
    getFormGuideFilesize(byte[] templateFileData)
    Return the file size of the Adobe LiveCycle ES form guide file contained in the specified template zip file.
    static Element
    Return the submitted data payload from the submitted XML document.
    static Map<String,String>
    getSafeRequestParams(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Return a map of safe request parameters, which have XSS script values removed and are normalized into single request parameter and value pair.
    static String
    getSavedFormnLastEditInfo(Submission submission, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Return the saved form last edit info warning message if the form was opened by another user within the Security Managers configured session timeout period.
    static Document
    Return the form submission data from XML document, stripping out any XFA elements if present.
    static boolean
    Return true if the server has capacity and to render the given form template.
    static boolean
    isAcrobatUserAgent(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Determine whether the user agent contained in the request is Adobe Acrobat stand-alone (as opposed to an Adobe browser plugin)
    static boolean
    isAdobeUserAgent(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Determine whether the user agent contained in the request is Adobe Acrobat or Reader stand-alone (as opposed to an Adobe browser plugin)
    static boolean
    isOfflineSubmission(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Determine whether a form submission was made using a browser plugin or offline (using Adobe Acrobat or Reader stand-alone)
    static boolean
    isReaderUserAgent(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
    Determine whether the user agent contained in the request is Adobe Reader stand-alone (as opposed to an Adobe browser plugin)
    static boolean
    isUseComposerHtmlDirectRender(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Form form, TemplateVersion templateVersion)
    Return true if the Composer HTML Form should be rendered directly.
    static boolean
    isUseComposerHtmlForm(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, TemplateVersion templateVersion)
    Return true if the TemplateVersion has a Composer HTML Form and it should be used for the given request.
    static void
    returnToForm(String submitKey, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, SubmissionService submissionService)
    Cancels a submission, then returns to the form, preserving the submission but erasing progress from the submission action onwards (e.g.
    static void
    storeFormRequestParams(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, boolean createNew)
    Store the request parameters in the session under the key 'FormRequestParams'.
    static void
    Strip XFDF nodes (invalid input: '<'xfdf:field>) from an XML document
    static String
    validatePdfSmartFormTemplate(byte[] formData, String filename)
    Check an XDP or PDF template file for correctness.
    static String
    Check whether a pre-fill parameter XPATH mapping is set up correctly, validating the XPath.
    static String
    Check whether a property pre-fill parameter XPATH mapping is set up correctly, validating the XPath.
    static String
    Check whether a schema data extract mapping is set up correctly, validating the XPath.
    static String
    Check whether a schema seed string can be parsed into an XML document object.
    static String
    validateTemplateFilename(String templateFileName, String formType)
    Check a template version file name to ensure it has the appropriate extension for the specified form type.
    static String
    Check whether a XmlInputMap XPATH mapping is set up correctly, validating the XPath.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • FormUtils

      public FormUtils()
  • Method Details

    • doesFormSupportEmbedWithDiv

      public static boolean doesFormSupportEmbedWithDiv(Form form)
      Return true if the form's current template version supports HTML 'Embed with Div'.
      form - the form to test
      true if the form's current template version supports HTML 'Embed with Div'
    • isUseComposerHtmlForm

      public static boolean isUseComposerHtmlForm(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, TemplateVersion templateVersion)
      Return true if the TemplateVersion has a Composer HTML Form and it should be used for the given request.
      request - the user request
      templateVersion - the form template version
      true if a Composer HTML Form can and should be served to the request
    • isUseComposerHtmlDirectRender

      public static boolean isUseComposerHtmlDirectRender(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, Form form, TemplateVersion templateVersion)
      Return true if the Composer HTML Form should be rendered directly.
      request - the render request
      form - the form
      templateVersion - the form template version
      true if should use direct render servlet
    • validateSchemaSeed

      public static String validateSchemaSeed(String schemaSeed)
      Check whether a schema seed string can be parsed into an XML document object.
      schemaSeed - the schema seed contents as a string
      null if no error occurred during parsing, an error message otherwise
    • validateSchemaExtractMap

      public static String validateSchemaExtractMap(SchemaExtractMap schemaExtractMap)
      Check whether a schema data extract mapping is set up correctly, validating the XPath.
      schemaExtractMap - the non-null schema data extract mapping to be investigated
      null if the schema data extract mapping is set up correctly, an error message otherwise
    • validatePrefillParamXpathMap

      public static String validatePrefillParamXpathMap(PrefillParamXpathMap prefillParamXpathMap)
      Check whether a pre-fill parameter XPATH mapping is set up correctly, validating the XPath.
      prefillParamXpathMap - the non-null schema data extract mapping to be investigated
      null if the pre-fill parameter xpath mappinggs set up correctly, an error message otherwise
    • validatePropertyPrefillXpathMap

      public static String validatePropertyPrefillXpathMap(PropertyPrefillMap propertyPrefillMap)
      Check whether a property pre-fill parameter XPATH mapping is set up correctly, validating the XPath.
      propertyPrefillMap - the non-null schema data extract mapping to be investigated
      null if the pre-fill parameter xpath mappings set up correctly, an error message otherwise
    • validateXmlInputMapXpathMap

      public static String validateXmlInputMapXpathMap(XmlInputMap xmlInputMapXpath)
      Check whether a XmlInputMap XPATH mapping is set up correctly, validating the XPath.
      xmlInputMapXpath - the non-null schema data extract mapping to be investigated
      null if the pre-fill parameter xpath mappings set up correctly, an error message otherwise
    • validateTemplateFilename

      public static String validateTemplateFilename(String templateFileName, String formType)
      Check a template version file name to ensure it has the appropriate extension for the specified form type.
      templateFileName - the name of the template file, generally ending in .xdp or .pdf
      formType - the form type, e.g. HTML Form
      null if the file name is acceptable, an error message otherwise
    • getSubmissionDataDocument

      public static Document getSubmissionDataDocument(Document document)
      Return the form submission data from XML document, stripping out any XFA elements if present.
      document - the raw XML document
      the stripped XML document
    • stripXfdfFields

      public static void stripXfdfFields(Document document)
      Strip XFDF nodes (invalid input: '<'xfdf:field>) from an XML document
      document - the document to be modified
    • getRootDataElement

      public static Element getRootDataElement(Document document)
      Return the submitted data payload from the submitted XML document.
      document - the XML document submitted
      the XML data payload
    • validatePdfSmartFormTemplate

      public static String validatePdfSmartFormTemplate(byte[] formData, String filename)
      Check an XDP or PDF template file for correctness.
      formData - the template file contents
      filename - the template file name
      null if no validation errors were encountered, an error message otherwise
    • getFormGuideFilename

      public static String getFormGuideFilename(byte[] templateFileData)
      Return the file name of the Adobe LiveCycle ES form guide contained in the specified template zip file. Note that the form guide file must be located in the root folder of the zip file and the file name must end in .xdp
      templateFileData - a byte array representing the form guide zip file
      the file name of the form guide contained in the zip file
    • getFormGuideFilesize

      public static Long getFormGuideFilesize(byte[] templateFileData)
      Return the file size of the Adobe LiveCycle ES form guide file contained in the specified template zip file. Note that the form guide file must be located in the root folder of the zip file and the file name must end in .xdp
      templateFileData - a byte array representing the form guide zip file
      the file size of the form guide contained in the zip file
    • isAcrobatUserAgent

      public static boolean isAcrobatUserAgent(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Determine whether the user agent contained in the request is Adobe Acrobat stand-alone (as opposed to an Adobe browser plugin)
      request - the HTTP servlet request
      whether the reported user agent is Adobe Acrobat
    • isReaderUserAgent

      public static boolean isReaderUserAgent(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Determine whether the user agent contained in the request is Adobe Reader stand-alone (as opposed to an Adobe browser plugin)
      request - the HTTP servlet request
      whether the reported user agent is Adobe Reader
    • isAdobeUserAgent

      public static boolean isAdobeUserAgent(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Determine whether the user agent contained in the request is Adobe Acrobat or Reader stand-alone (as opposed to an Adobe browser plugin)
      request - the HTTP servlet request
      whether the reported user agent is Adobe Acrobat or Reader
    • getAcrobatVersion

      public static String getAcrobatVersion(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Return the version number of Adobe Acrobat or Reader as contained in the request
      request - the HTTP servlet request
      the Acrobat or Reader version based on the "acrobat-version" header
    • isOfflineSubmission

      public static boolean isOfflineSubmission(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Determine whether a form submission was made using a browser plugin or offline (using Adobe Acrobat or Reader stand-alone)
      request - the HTTP servlet request
      true the submission was made offline, false otherwise
    • createOfflineSubmitXML

      public static String createOfflineSubmitXML(Document seedDocument, String actionType, String actionUrl, String errorMessage)
      Create offline submit XML from a given submission.
      seedDocument - the seed document
      actionType - the action type
      actionUrl - the action url
      errorMessage - the error message
      the created offline submit XML
    • ensureRequestedFormValid

      public static boolean ensureRequestedFormValid( page, String formCode)
      Validate a form that is being requested by a user. If an issue is detected, a redirect to the appropriate page is sent and false returned.
      page - the page handling the request
      formCode - the form code of the requested form
      true if the form was valid
    • ensureRequestedFormValid

      public static boolean ensureRequestedFormValid( page, Form form)
      Validate a form that is being requested by a user. If an issue is detected, a redirect to the appropriate page is sent and false returned.
      page - the page handling the request
      form - the requested form
      true if the form was valid
    • hasFormRenderCapacity

      public static boolean hasFormRenderCapacity(TemplateVersion templateVersion)
      Return true if the server has capacity and to render the given form template.
      templateVersion - the form version
      true if the server has capacity and to render the given form template
    • returnToForm

      public static void returnToForm(String submitKey, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, SubmissionService submissionService)
      Cancels a submission, then returns to the form, preserving the submission but erasing progress from the submission action onwards (e.g. attachments). The submission must be specified by submitKey, either explicitly or as a request parameter.
      submitKey - the submitKey of the submission (optional - if not present, the request parameter "submitKey" will be interrogated)
      request - the current HTTP servlet request (required)
      submissionService - the submission service to be used to delete the submission (required)
    • encodeURLParamsAsJsonPrefillData

      public static String encodeURLParamsAsJsonPrefillData(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Return the URL request parameters encoded as a JSON prefill data object.
      request - the servlet request
      the URL request parameters encoded as a JSON prefill data object.
    • appendSessionFormRequestParameters

      public static void appendSessionFormRequestParameters(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession session, StringBuilder urlBuilder)
      Append the session form URL request parameters to the URL string builder.
      session - the servlet session
      urlBuilder - the URL string builder
    • appendSessionFormRequestParameters

      public static void appendSessionFormRequestParameters(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpSession session, StringBuilder urlBuilder, Map<String,Object> addedParams)
      Append the session form URL request parameters to the URL string builder. Check if a parameter with a certain key and value should not be added.
      session - the servlet session
      urlBuilder - the URL string builder
      addedParams - parameters which should not be added from session
    • getSafeRequestParams

      public static Map<String,String> getSafeRequestParams(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Return a map of safe request parameters, which have XSS script values removed and are normalized into single request parameter and value pair.
      request - the servlet request
      the normalized and XSS safe request parameter map
    • storeFormRequestParams

      public static void storeFormRequestParams(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, boolean createNew)
      Store the request parameters in the session under the key 'FormRequestParams'. If createNew is specified then any existing parameter map will be replace with a new map and no previous values will be preserved. Otherwise the values request parameters will be added to the existing session map.
      request - the servlet request
      createNew - specify whether to replace the existing parameters entirely, or if false add them to the existing session map
    • clearFormRequestParams

      public static void clearFormRequestParams(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Clear the request parameters in the session under the key 'FormRequestParams'.
      request - the servlet request (required)
    • getSavedFormnLastEditInfo

      public static String getSavedFormnLastEditInfo(Submission submission, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request)
      Return the saved form last edit info warning message if the form was opened by another user within the Security Managers configured session timeout period.
      submission - the saved submission to test (required)
      request - the HTTP servlet request (required)
      the saved form last edit info, or null warning is required
    • checkRequestLogUser

      public static boolean checkRequestLogUser(RequestLog requestLog, String userNameToCheck)
      Checks if the given user name matches the user name stored in the request log.
      requestLog - the request log (required)
      userNameToCheck - the user name to check, generally obtained from the HTTP servlet request
      true if userNameToCheck matches the request log user (taking into account possible truncation)