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Version: 20.05 (EOL)


The actions config is used to whitelist user actions on List screens and Details screens. There are two types of actions, txnActions and jobActions.

txnActions are actions that are specific to an associated Txn.

jobAction are job-level actions. They appear in a panel at the top right of the Details screen.

Supported actions


The Assign action opens a dropdown list of usernames to pick from. When a user is selected, the current Txn is assigned to that user.

Display rules

txn.taskType === "Review" &&
txn.userLoginName === "" &&
txn.availableActions.includes("assign") &&
!["Completed", "Abandoned", "Expired", "Submitted"].includes(txn.formStatus);

Task assignment happens in Workspaces based on the user's email address. Make sure email addresses are distinct for all JM user accounts.


The Claim action assigns the current Txn to the current user.

Display rules

txn.taskType === "Review" &&
txn.userLoginName === "" &&
txn.availableActions.includes("assign") &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
!["Completed", "Abandoned", "Expired", "Submitted"].includes(txn.formStatus);


The Decision action opens a modal using the current Txn formUrl with the query parameter &pageId=decision appended. This query parameter is sent in the URL to support special handling on the Maestro form.

Messages are sent using a postMessage API with the following schema:

pageId: 'decision'

Display rules

!shortcut &&
txn.taskType === "Review" &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
!["Completed", "Abandoned", "Expired", "Submitted"].includes(txn.formStatus);

This action is available on the Details screen only, not the List screen.


The Receipt action opens a modal with the current Txn formReceipt. If more than one receipt is attached to the Txn, the modal shows a dropdown list from which the user can select a receipt to view.

Display rules

txn.job || txn.receiptUrl;


The Recover action re-opens an abandoned txn.

Display rules

txn.taskType !== "Review" &&
txn.availableActions.includes("reopen") &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
txn.formStatus === 'Abandoned';


The Release action unassigns the current Txn. This action is the same as the Unassign action except it is available only if the current user is the assignee.

Display rules

txn.taskType === "Review" &&
txn.availableActions.includes("unassign") &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
!["Completed", "Abandoned", "Expired", "Submitted"].includes(txn.formStatus);


The Unassign action unassigns the current Txn. This action is available to all users, unlike the Release action which is available only if the current user is the assignee.


If both the Release and Unassign actions are enabled and applicable for a transaction, the Release action takes precedence and the Unassign action is not displayed.

Display rules

txn.taskType === "Review" &&
txn.availableActions.includes("unassign") &&
!["Completed", "Abandoned", "Expired", "Submitted"].includes(txn.formStatus);

View Form

The View Form action opens a modal using the current Txn formUrl with the query parameter &pageId=view appended. This query parameter is sent in the URL to support special handling on the Maestro form.

Messages are sent using a postMessage API with the following schema:

pageId: 'view'

Display rules

txn.taskType !== "Review" &&
!["Completed", "Abandoned", "Expired", "Submitted"].includes(txn.formStatus);

View Notes

The View Notes action displays a modal showing the list of all available notes/comments associated with a job. If the Txn is not associated with a job, any notes/comments will be shown for that Txn instead.

Display rules



The Withdraw action abandons a saved txn.

Display rules

txn.taskType === "Review" &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
!["Completed", "Abandoned", "Expired", "Submitted"].includes(txn.formStatus);

Custom actions

Custom actions are accessed from the Details screen via a custom action button with the label More by default. Click the More button to open a dropdown showing the available custom actions to select from.


Custom actions are available on the Details screen only, not the List screen.

Display rules



The list of supported configuration attributes are available in Reference > txnActions and Reference > jobActions.


The following example shows some actions that can be configured for a manager (user type).

txnActions: {
Claim: {
label: 'Claim',
Release: {
label: 'Release',
Decision: {
label: 'Decision',
Recover: {
label: 'Recover',
Custom: {
label: 'More',
properties: [
label: 'Re-run background check',
dataIndex: 'formUrl',
type: 'url',
jobActions: {
Receipt: {
label: 'Receipt',
permissions: {
type: 'group',
value: ['Manual Review'],
ViewNotes: {
label: 'View Notes',