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Version: 23.04


The actions attribute is used to whitelist user actions on the List and Details screens.

Single actions property

Starting from Journey Workspaces 23.04, there is only one set of actions which is defined as a single actions property in the config files. This replaces the separate txnActions and jobActions entries used prior to Workspaces 23.04.

Actions are grouped at the top right of the Details screen. The supported actions are: Receipt, Add Notes, Assign, Claim, Decision, Recover, Release, Unassign, View Form, Withdraw, Custom.

Each of these actions has their own display rules as described below.


The Receipt action opens a modal displaying the current Txn formReceipt. If there is more than one receipt attached to the Txn, the modal includes a dropdown list allowing the user to select a receipt to view.

Display rules

txn.job || txn.receiptUrl;

Add Notes

The Add Notes action displays a modal in which notes for the current task can be viewed and added.


You can reply to an existing note from the Notes card on the Details screen. To reply to a note, click View Thread for the note.

Display rules

This action has no display restrictions.


The Assign action opens a dropdown list of usernames to pick from. When a user is selected, the current Txn is assigned to that user.

Display rules

txn.taskType === 'Review' &&
txn.userLoginName === '' &&
txn.availableActions.includes('assign') &&
!['Completed', 'Abandoned', 'Expired', 'Submitted'].includes(txn.formStatus);

Task assignment happens in Workspaces based on a user's email address. Make sure all JM user accounts have distinct email addresses.


The Claim action assigns the current Txn to the current user.

Display rules

txn.taskType === 'Review' &&
txn.userLoginName === '' &&
txn.availableActions.includes('assign') &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
!['Completed', 'Abandoned', 'Expired', 'Submitted'].includes(txn.formStatus);


The Decision action opens a modal for the current Txn formUrl and with &pageId=decision.


We send the query parameter &pageId=decision in the URL so that it can be used to support special handling on the Maestro form. We also send a message using a postMessage API with the following schema:

pageId: 'decision';

Display rules

This action is available on the Details screen only, not on the List screen.

!shortcut &&
txn.taskType === 'Review' &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
!['Completed', 'Abandoned', 'Expired', 'Submitted'].includes(txn.formStatus);


The Reassign action opens a dropdown list of usernames to pick from. When a user is selected, the current Txn is reassigned to that user (without having to unassign it first).

Display rules

txn.taskType === 'Review' &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
txn.availableActions.includes('assign') &&
!['Completed', 'Abandoned', 'Expired', 'Submitted'].includes(txn.formStatus);

Task assignment happens in Workspaces based on a user's email address. Make sure all JM user accounts have distinct email addresses.


The Recover action re-opens an abandoned Txn.

Display rules

txn.taskType !== 'Review' &&
txn.availableActions.includes('reopen') &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
txn.formStatus === 'Abandoned';


The Release action unassigns the current Txn; that is, it removes the Txn's assignee. Release is similar to Unassign except it is available only if the current user is the assignee, and that user doesn't need to be a manager.


If both Release and Unassign are enabled for a Txn, Release takes precedence and Unassign is not displayed.

Display rules

txn.taskType === 'Review' &&
txn.availableActions.includes('unassign') &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
!['Completed', 'Abandoned', 'Expired', 'Submitted'].includes(txn.formStatus);


The Unassign action unassigns the current Txn; that is, it removes the Txn's assignee. Unassign differs from Release in that you can unassign another user, and that it is made available only to users with management oversight.

Display rules

txn.taskType === 'Review' &&
txn.availableActions.includes('unassign') &&
!['Completed', 'Abandoned', 'Expired', 'Submitted'].includes(txn.formStatus);

If both Release and Unassign are enabled for a Txn, Release takes precedence and Unassign is not displayed.

View Form

The View Form action opens a modal for the current Txn formUrl and with &pageId=view.


We send the query parameter &pageId=view in the URL so that it can be used to support special handling on the Maestro form. We also send a message using a postMessage API with the following schema:

pageId: 'view';

Display rules

txn.taskType !== 'Review' &&
!['Completed', 'Abandoned', 'Expired', 'Submitted'].includes(txn.formStatus);


The Withdraw action is used to abandon a saved Txn.

Display rules

txn.taskType === 'Review' &&
txn.userLoginName === currentUser &&
!['Completed', 'Abandoned', 'Expired', 'Submitted'].includes(txn.formStatus);


When this action type is activated in the UI, a dropdown list of custom actions is displayed. Two custom action types are supported: url and invoke.


The invoke custom action type lets you associate a Fluent Function with a custom action list item. When the list item is clicked, the Fluent Function is invoked.


The invoke custom action type is configured similarly to the Invoke Configuration with serviceName, versionNumber, and params attributes. However, invoke custom actions do not require an object on the Fluent Function to be returned. As long as the Fluent Function returns an HTTP 200 status code, an invoke custom action is considered successful.

label: 'Fluent Function',
type: 'invoke',
serviceName: 'DAO - Fluent Function',
versionNumber: '0.1.0',
params: {

In order to use invoke functions, the user must have the Invoke Fluent Functions permission.


The url custom action type allows you to display a form within a modal.

Display rules

Custom actions are available on the Details screen only, not on the List screen.


In addition, custom actions use visibility rules as an additional control to show and hide the custom actions. You can read more about rules here.


The following example showcases some actions that can be configured for a manager.

Actions config
actions: {
Claim: {
label: 'Claim',
Release: {
label: 'Release',
Decision: {
label: 'Decision',
Custom: {
label: 'More',
properties: [
label: 'Review Checklist',
type: 'url',
dataIndex: "properties['ReviewChecklistUrl']",
rules: [
dataIndex: 'userLoginName',
value: currentUser,
label: 'Re-run Background Checks',
type: 'invoke',
serviceName: 'DAO - Rerun Integrations',
versionNumber: '0.1.0',
rules: [
dataIndex: 'userLoginName',
value: currentUser,
Receipt: {
label: 'Receipt',
ViewNotes: {
label: 'View Notes',


To review the list of supported attributes, see CurrentSpaceActions.