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Version: 20.05 (EOL)

Global Filters

The globalFilters config is used to show/hide and configure global filters in the List screen. Workspaces supports three global filters: GroupName, FormName and DateCreated.


While globalFilters is not mandatory, if it's not set then all queries will have a dateCreated range from one year before the current date to the current date inclusive.



The GroupName option is used to show/hide the Group Name select that allows Workspaces users to filter Txns by group names. The Group Name select presents a list of items to the user populated from the globalActions.GroupName.options property.


The FormName option is used to show/hide the Form Name select that allows Workspaces users to filter Txns by form names. The Form Name select presents a list of items to the user populated from the globalActions.FormName.options property.


The DateCreated option is used to show/hide the Date Created input that allows Workspaces to filter Txns by a date or date range based on date created.


For a list of supported attributes, see Reference > CurrentSpaceGlobalFilters.


The following example shows how to configure the label, options and value for the various global filters.

import { ConfigCurrentSpace } from '@transact-open-ux/workspaces/dist/types';

export const processConfig = ({ date }: any): ConfigCurrentSpace => ({
globalFilters: {
GroupName: {
label: 'Queues',
options: ['Error Review', 'Fraud Review', 'Manual Review'],
value: 'All',
DateCreated: {
label: 'Created Date',
value: [date('4 weeks ago'), date('now')],

export default processConfig;