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Version: 19.05 (EOL)

Global Filters

The globalFilters config is used to show/hide and configure global filters in the List screen. Workspaces supports three global filters: GroupName, FormName and DateCreated.


While globalFilters is not mandatory, if it's not set then all queries will have a dateCreated range from one year before the current date to the current date inclusive.


The following example shows how to configure the label, options and value for the various global filters.

Global Filters config
"globalFilters": {
"GroupName": {
"label": "Task queue",
"options": ["Error Review", "Fraud Review"],
"value": "All"
"FormName": {
"label": "Product Name",
"options": ["DAO - Fraud Review", "DAO - Manual Review"],
"value": "All"
"DateCreated": {
"label": "Task created",
"value": ["{{ date('4 weeks ago') }}", "{{ date('now') }}"]


Global Filters

$globalFiltersObject<Global Filter> (Default: null)

A global filter map.

Global Filter

labelString (Default: null)

Required. The text to display as the global filter label.

optionsArray<String> (Default: [])

Required. A list of option strings.

valueString or Array<Date,Date> (Default: null)

Required. Used to set the default input value.