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Version: 19.05 (EOL)


The applicants config defines the fields that Workspaces displays on the Details screen under the Applicants card. Any number of applicants can be configured using the schema below.


The following example shows three different ways to configure the applicants property:

  • Using a mapping string.
  • Inserting the definition object directly into the array of properties with a list of property mappings.
  • Inserting the whole definition object without using any mappings.
Example - Txn properties
"properties": {
"PrimaryApplicant": "[{\"type\":\"Primary\",\"extracts\":{\"PrimaryEmail\":\"[email protected]\",\"PrimaryName\":\"Matt Green\",\"PrimarySSN\":\"111-233-1234\"}}]",
"SecondaryName": "[email protected]",
"SecondaryEmail": "MIchael Green",
"SecondarySSN": "311-333-1222",
"ThirdName": "[email protected]",
"ThirdEmail": "Daniel Green",
"ThirdSSN": "122-122-1222"
Example - Global mappings config
"mappings": {
"$primaryApplicant": {
"label": "Primary",
"dataSource": "properties['PrimaryApplicant']",
"properties": [
"label": "Name",
"dataIndex": "[0].extracts['PrimaryName']",
"type": "text",
"filter": {
"type": "input"
"label": "Email",
"dataIndex": "[0].extracts['PrimaryEmail']",
"type": "text"
"label": "SSN #",
"dataIndex": "[0].extracts['PrimarySSN']",
"type": "text"
"$secondaryName": {
"label": "Name",
"dataIndex": "properties['SecondaryName']",
"type": "text"
"$secondaryEmail": {
"label": "Email",
"dataIndex": "properties['SecondaryEmail']",
"type": "text"
"$secondarySSN": {
"label": "SSN #",
"dataIndex": "properties['SecondarySSN']",
"type": "text"
Example - Applicants config
"applicants": [
"label": "Secondary",
"properties": ["$secondaryName", "$secondaryEmail", "$secondarySSN"]
"label": "Third",
"properties": [
"label": "Name",
"dataIndex": "properties['ThirdName']",
"type": "text",
"filter": {
"type": "input"
"label": "Email",
"dataIndex": "properties['ThirdEmail']",
"type": "text"
"label": "SSN #",
"dataIndex": "properties['ThirdSSN']",
"type": "text"



labelString (Default: null)

Required. The text to be displayed as the applicant title.

dataSourceString (Default: null)

Used to define a deep data source. The value of this property must be formatted as a JSON array literal.

propertiesArray<Mapping> (Default: [])

Required. A list of Mapping Objects or Mapping keys.