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Version: 19.05 (EOL)

Deploy and configure Workspaces


This guide explains how to set up the new Workspaces module in Journey Manager (JM), and the steps required to configure collaboration jobs to work with Workspaces.


It is assumed you are logged in to your JM environment using an account with sufficient administrative privileges to perform these instructions; for example, the System Manager role.

Follow these steps to setup your Workspaces portal.

  • Deploy the Workspaces module in Journey Manager
  • Prepare Workspaces for first use
  • Configure the collaboration job

Deploy Workspaces in JM

The Workspaces REST API is distributed as a WAR file that is deployed on Journey Manager. Starting from Journey Manager 20.05, the Workspaces WAR file comes bundled in the Journey Manager installer as an optional package.

To install the Workspaces API, install it directly from the Journey Manager installation file. Upon successful deployment, a new form space called Work Spaces appears on the Form Spaces page.

If you need to, you can install the Workspaces API manually. To do so, follow these steps.

  1. In Journey Manager, select Forms > Form Spaces.
  2. Click Import WAR.
  3. Click Choose File, locate the Workspaces WAR file, then select it and close the file browser dialog.
  4. Click Import to complete the WAR file deployment.

Upon successful deployment, a new form space called Work Spaces appears on the Form Spaces page in Journey Manager. If you don’t see the Work Spaces form space after a few minutes, the deployment may have failed and you may need to request assistance to resolve this.


You can request assistance from your Temenos customer service representative or by raising a support request (login required). To aid in troubleshooting your deployment issue, locate the {warfilename}.war.FAILED file in your JM environment's deployment folder and attach it to your support request.

Prepare for first use

Once Workspaces has been successfully deployed, a number of configuration steps are required to prepare Workspaces for use by end users.

  • Configure the Workspaces space
  • Link an organization to the Workspaces space
  • Grant users access to the Workspaces space

Configure the Workspaces space

You can edit the Work Spaces form space to configure attributes such as the context path and other access related settings. For more information about configuring a Journey Manager form space, see Edit a Form Space.

  1. In Journey Manager, select Forms > Form Spaces.
  2. In the list of form spaces, locate Work Spaces and click the Edit icon for that space. Alternatively, you can click the Name of the Workspaces space.
  3. Select the Space tab.
  4. Update the domain part of the Context Path URL to be the same as your JM domain.
  5. Select a Security Manager to be used for Workspaces.
  6. Select the Authentication Mode matching the level of authentication required to access Workspaces.
  7. If you need to be able to modify the Work Spaces space at runtime, select the Content Editable checkbox.
  8. Select Default Forms Space to route all job step actions to the new Work Spaces space by default.

If you want to use a Context Path domain different to the JM domain then you may need to configure a reverse proxy for redirection.

Workspaces needs to be linked to a JM organization so that forms and Txns generated from the collaboration job can be accessed by Workspaces. Follow these steps to ensure Workspaces is linked to your organization.

  1. In Journey Manager, select Forms > Organization.
  2. Select the Spaces tab.
  3. If Work Spaces is in the Available Spaces list, select it and click > to move it to the Assigned Spaces list.
  4. Click Save.

Grant user access

Workspaces users must be assigned to the Work Spaces space before they can login and access Workspaces features. Follow these steps to grant users access to the Work Spaces space.

  1. In Journey Manager, select Security > User Accounts.
  2. In the list of user accounts, locate the user to be configured and click the Edit icon for that user. Alternatively, you can click the user's Login Name.
  3. Select the Spaces tab.
  4. If Work Spaces is in the Available list, select it and click > to move it to the Assigned list.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Select the Roles tab.
  7. Ensure the roles required to use Workspaces (Work Spaces Staff) are assigned to the user account.
  8. Click Save.

Starting with Workspaces 19.05, JM roles can be assigned to a Space attribute in the Global property. If you create a new role in JM, make sure you assign the following permissions to the role:

  • Collaboration Job Completed View
  • Collaboration Job View
  • Help Desk View

Configure collaboration jobs

This section explains how to configure a collaboration job to route the review tasks to Workspaces, and the steps required to copy the data extracts and submission properties from an applicant’s original submission Txn to the review task.

Workspaces offers great flexibility in filtering and sorting Txns, which helps back-office staff to find the tasks they need. In order to support these features, the application must include all the necessary data from the applicant’s original submission Txn which is captured as the form data extracts or submission properties.

Setting up each collaboration job to capture this data is a complex task. Template Groovy scripts that can assist with the collaboration job setup are provided with Workspaces.

Copy the form data extracts and submission properties

Workspaces includes a Replicate properties service (Groovy script) that copies the contents of form data extracts and submission properties from the original submission to the submission properties of the review task that will be accessed from Workspaces.

To add the Replicate properties service to Journey Manager:

  1. In Journey Manager, select Services > All Services.
  2. Click Import.
  3. Click Browse then locate the "Replicate properties" file, select the file, and close the file browser dialog.
  4. Click Upload to upload the selected file to Journey Manager.

Once the Replicate properties service has been added to Journey Manager, modify the collaboration job to use this service.

  1. In Journey Manager, select Services > Job Services.
  2. In the list of services, locate the collaboration job that manages the workflow of the application that will be reviewed in Workspaces, and click the Edit icon for that service. Alternatively, you can click the service's name in the Service column.
  3. In the Job Definition, add a "Replicate properties" action after each review task. This will cause the contents of the original submission to be copied automatically to the review task.
"name": "Manual Review",
"actions": [
"name": "Create Task",
"type": "Job Task Assign",
"properties": [
"name": "Replicate properties",
"type": "Job Action"

Finally, to route the review tasks to Workspaces, check the collaboration job definition and ensure the review task steps are assigned to Work Spaces as shown below.

"name": "Manual Review",
"actions": [
"name": "Create Task",
"type": "Job Task Assign",
"properties": [
{ "name": "Task Assign Portal", "value": "Work Spaces" },

Setup the template review form in Journey Manager

Making a decision about the outcome (success or otherwise) of an application is an important aspect of application processing. While Workspaces doesn’t have native support for decision-making in the portal, this functionality can be achieved using the template decision form that is supplied with Workspaces.

The template decision form is a Maestro form that can be extended to include any additional business logic you need, and includes the following sections:

  • A section for uploading documents from the review process
  • A section for making the decision and adding justifications about the decision made

The template form also has a callback mechanism on submit which passes the supporting information captured in the form to Workspaces, where it is displayed in the application timeline.

The following instructions explain how to add the template review form to Journey Manager, and configure it to be associated with the review task.

Add the review form to Journey Manager

To add the template review form to Journey Manager:

  1. In Journey Manager, select Forms > Forms.
  2. Click Import Form.
  3. Click Browse then locate the template review form supplied with Workspaces, select the form file, and close the file browser dialog.
  4. Click Upload.

Once the review form is imported, add Work Spaces as the associated form space:

  1. In Journey Manager, Navigate to the form's dashboard.
  2. Select the Spaces tab and click New.
  3. Select Work Spaces from the dropdown.
  4. Click Save.

If you need to rename the review form or change its form code:

  1. In Journey Manager, navigate to the form's dashboard.
  2. In the Form Details section, click the Form Display Name.
  3. Select the Details tab then update the Form Display Name and Form Code as required.
  4. Click Save.
Configure the collaboration job

To associate review tasks from the collaboration job with the template review form (added in the previous section):

  1. In Journey Manager, select Services > Job Services.
  2. Locate the collaboration job service that manages the workflow of the application that will be reviewed in Workspaces, and click the Edit icon for that service. Alternatively, you can click the service's name in the Service column.
  3. Select the Job Definition tab.
  4. Update the job definition, as required, to ensure review tasks are associated with the template review form as shown below.
"name": "Manual Review",
"actions": [
"name": "Create Task",
"type": "Job Task Assign",
"properties": [
{ "name": "Task Form Code", "value": "reviewtemplate" },

Starting with Workspaces 19.05, all tasks are accessible in Workspaces. Accordingly, associating a task with a Workspaces portal is optional in Workspaces 19.05 and later releases.

Server errors

For information about server errors, see Workspaces API.

Accessing Workspaces

To access Workspaces, open your preferred supported browser and enter the Context Path URL for your Workspaces space. For example: https://{yourdomain}/workspaces/secure/login.html.


JM allows only one active Workspaces session per user. You can login to Workspaces on multiple browsers, but only the first browser in which you perform an action will be successful. The second and subsequent browsers in which you attempt an action will report an HTTP 403 Forbidden status code.