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Version: 18.11 (EOL)


The theme property defines a set of overrides to the default look and feel of Workspaces.


The Workspaces theme has been optimized to work well with different color tones and shades. Therefore, if you're considering any theme overrides, we strongly recommend that you modify the primary.main color only. Use other overrides only if there are contrast issues.


Default theme colors

"primary": {
"main": "#715C95"
"text": {
"dark": "#4A4A4A",
"light": "#6B6E71"
"grey": {
"background": "#F9FAFC",
"keyline": "#E1E1E1"
"white": "#ffffff",
"black": "#000000",
"lightGreen": "#7ED321",
"green": "#5A9B12",
"red": {
"main": "#D0021B",
"light": "#FBF3F4"
"blue": {
"main": "#4A90E2",
"light": "#EEF3F8"
"orange": "#F5A623"

Purple theme

"primary": {
"main": "#009900"

Red theme

"primary": {
"main": "#FF0000"

Green theme

"primary": {
"main": "#00FF00"