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Version: 18.11 (EOL)


Views are pre-configured groups of properties that specify the sort and filter criteria included in the transaction query.


It's not possible to filter on multiple submission properties, so we recommend having just one submission property in the filterBy option.


All properties are optional unless otherwise indicated.

labelString (Default: null)
Required. Text used as key and name of the view.
propertiesList<Mapping> (Default: [])
Required. List of property Mapping keys.
sortOrderString (Default: "asc")
Direction of the sort. Can be "asc" or "desc".
sortByString<Mapping> (Default: null)
Mapping key.
filterByMap<Mapping, String/List/Map> (Default: null)
Mapping key and value. Expressions can be used to set default values. For example, "{{ currentUser }}" or "{{ date('1 month ago') }}".
QueueMap<Mapping, String> (Default: null)
List of Queue values.


View with sort
"label": "All Outstanding",
"properties": [
"sortOrder": "asc",
"sortBy": "$assigned"
View with complex filters
"label": "Opened last week",
"properties": [
"filterBy": {
"$status": ["Opened", "None"],
"$product": "All",
"$stepAge": ["{{ date('1 week ago') }}", "{{ date('today') }}"]
"sortBy": "$stepAge"