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Version: 22.04


The Workspaces (Applicant Portal) design has been optimized to work well with several color tones and shades based on a primary color. The theme property defines a set of overrides of the default look and feel. In particular, you can modify the primary color to match your brand.

If you need to change your portal's primary color, we have guidance to help you select a color that's compliant with WCAG 2.0 level AA contrast guidelines.


It is strongly recommended to modify the primary color only. Other overrides should be used only if there are contrast issues.


"buildDir": "build",
"domainModelFile": "transact-schema.json",
"appDef": {
"theme": {
"text": {
"main": '#4A4A4A',
"light": '#6B6E71',
"primary": {
"main": '#025197',
"grey": {
"darkest": '#000000',
"dark": '#3B3B3B',
"primary": '#757575',
"light": '#E5E5E5',
"lightest": '#F2F2F2',
"white": '#ffffff',
"black": '#000000',
"green": {
"main": '#5A9B12',
"light": '#7ED321',
"red": {
"main": '#D0021B',
"light": '#FBF3F4',
"blue": {
"main": '#4A90E2',
"light": '#eef3f8',
"orange": '#F5A623',


To review the list of supported attributes, see API Reference.