This article demonstrates how to add an Approval flow to a lending journey.
Follow these steps.
- In Journey Manager, add a new group for the approvers and assign the users to the approval processing group.
- Edit the collaboration job (workflow) to include the approval workflow in the retail workflow that's triggered when pre-screen verification is complete.
{ "name": "Pre-Screening", "type": "", "shareFormData": true, "actions": [ { "name": "Pre-Screening Review", "type": "Job Task Assign", "properties": [ { "name": "Task Assign Group", "value": "Pre-Screening" }, { "name": "Task Form Code", "value": "review-ws" }, { "name": "Task Assign Portal", "value": "Work Spaces" }, { "name": "Task Message", "value": "Please perform the Pre-Screening of the ${submission.formName} from ${func.startSubmission().formDataMap.FirstName} ${func.startSubmission().formDataMap.LastName}." }, { "name": "Task Review Previous Step", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Task Subject", "value": "Pre-Screening of ${submission.formName} from ${func.startSubmission().formDataMap.FirstName} ${func.startSubmission().formDataMap.LastName}" }, { "name": "Task Type", "value": "Review" }, { "name": "Task Send Email", "value": "false" }, { "name": "Task Attachments Previous Step", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Task Form XML Data", "value": "$func.startSubmissionXml()" } ] }, { "name": "Notify Job Action", "type": "Job Action", "serviceVersion": "2.0.0", "properties": [ { "name": "NotificationName", "value": "Review Application" } ] }, { "name": "Workspaces - Set Transaction properties", "type": "Job Action" }, { "name": "Pre-Screening Wait", "type": "Job Task Wait" } ], "routes": [ { "name": "Verified", "nextStep": "Pre-Screening Approval" }, { "name": "Request More Information", "nextStep": "Request More Information" }, { "name": "Decline Application", "nextStep": "Decline Application" } ] }, { "name": "Pre-Screening Approval", "type": "", "shareFormData": true, "actions": [ { "name": "Pre-Screening Approval", "type": "Job Task Assign", "properties": [ { "name": "Task Assign Group", "value": "Pre-screen Approvals" }, { "name": "Task Form Code", "value": "review-ws" }, { "name": "Task Assign Portal", "value": "Work Spaces" }, { "name": "Task Message", "value": "Please review the Pre-Screening of the ${submission.formName} from ${func.startSubmission().formDataMap.FirstName} ${func.startSubmission().formDataMap.LastName}." }, { "name": "Task Review Previous Step", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Task Subject", "value": "Pre-Screening review of ${submission.formName} from ${func.startSubmission().formDataMap.FirstName} ${func.startSubmission().formDataMap.LastName}" }, { "name": "Task Type", "value": "Review" }, { "name": "Task Send Email", "value": "false" }, { "name": "Task Attachments Previous Step", "value": "true" }, { "name": "Task Form XML Data", "value": "$func.startSubmissionXml()" } ] }, { "name": "Notify Job Action", "type": "Job Action", "serviceVersion": "2.0.0", "properties": [ { "name": "NotificationName", "value": "Review Application" } ] }, { "name": "Workspaces - Set Transaction properties", "type": "Job Action" }, { "name": "Pre-Screening Approval Wait", "type": "Job Task Wait" } ], "routes": [ { "name": "Approved", "nextStep": "Underwriting" }, { "name": "Need Thorough Verification", "nextStep": "Pre-Screening" } ] },
- Update the Workspaces configuration to include the pre-screening approval workflow.
- Add 'Pre-screen Approvals' group to the global filters
"GroupName": {
"label": "Queues",
"options": [
"label": "Pre-screening",
"value": [
"Manual Review",
"Fraud Review",
"SMB Manual Review",
"Pre-screen Approvals"
"label": "Credit Packaging",
"value": [
"Financial Review"
"label": "Underwriting & Closing",
"value": [
"Credit Decision Review",
"label": "Error",
"value": [
"Onboarding Error"
"value": "All"
}, - Create a new view called 'Pre-screen Approvals' under the review space to handle the pre-screening approvals with the permission control to display it only for prescreen approvers
"label": "Pre-screen Approvals",
"properties": [
"filterBy": {
"$currentQueue": [
"Pre-screen Approvals"
"permissions": {
"type": "group",
"value": [
"Pre-screen Approvals"
"expandedInfo": "$primaryApplicantInfo",
"sortOrder": "desc",
"sortBy": "$appAge"
}, - Configure the details screen for the pre-screen approvers to view the verified information by pre-screen staff. This can be done by reusing the existing custom card configurations.
"label": "Pre-Screen Approval",
"properties": [
"rules": [
"dataIndex": "job.currentStep",
"value": "Pre-Screening Approval"
- Add 'Pre-screen Approvals' group to the global filters