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Announcing Journey Workspaces 20.05


Journey Workspaces 20.05.0 is now generally available.

Journey Workspaces 20.05.0 is now generally available (release date: 26 June 2020). This new Workspaces release, which is intended to be compatible with Journey Manager (JM) 19.05 or higher, utilizes powerful new REST APIs from the compatible Journey Manager platform releases.

This release includes many new features and enhancements such as an improved deployment process that supports integration with your CI/CD processes, task-specific actions that help you to be sure you’re acting on the right task, a new focussed search feature that makes searching on specific application data more efficient, and many more minor enhancements based on client services feedback.

NoteThe Journey Workspaces 20.05 application is deployed as an Open UX form using a command-line interface tool. There are some minor changes to the structure of the configuration which require care to be taken while migrating from Workspaces 19.05 or 19.11. For details, refer to the Workspaces 19.11 to 20.05 migration guide.

For more information about this release, see the Journey Workspaces 20.05.0 Release Notes on the Journey Platform website.


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