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Continued Journey Maestro support for AngularJS


Product Notification:  

Continued Journey Maestro support for AngularJS 

Temenos has partnered with a third-party support provider to provide a commercial support contract, service level agreement, and license for a version of AngularJS that is maintained by the third-party through to at least 2026 (with an option to extend). 

For more information see =>

The version of AngularJS has been included in the Q4 release of Maestro - 21.11.

Please be assured that there will be no impact to Journey Maestro customers. The product team will continue the practice of applying, regression testing, and releasing the latest patch versions of AngularJS as they are made available.  

This has been necessary because from 31st December 2021, Google, the project owner for AngularJS, will end its support per an EOL announcement on the official website:  

On behalf of Temenos, we want to thank you for your business and loyalty.  


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