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Update on TJM Support for IE11


It has been well publicized that Microsoft has retired IE11 and it is now out of support.

From version 22.10, Temenos Journey Manager (TJM) will be dropping support for IE11 across all modules in the product. All existing Maestro forms and those published against v22.04 or earlier will continue to work in IE11 as they do today, however the 22.10 Maestro release will implement features that will not work in the IE11 browser.

This strategy will bring benefits to the platform, and to end users, such as taking advantage of modern browser features and improving code integrity by removing specific IE11 polyfills and workarounds.

IE11 has very low usage in the marketplace, less than 1% worldwide, therefore dropping support for IE11 should not cause a significant impact to TJM clients and their customers. Clients can undertake a study using tools such as Journey Analytics to understand IE11 usage in their client forms.

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