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Changes to Our Product Names


In December 2018 Temenos announced and completed the acquisition of Avoka. Temenos chose Avoka to further its leadership with a digital banking product focused on customer experience, and has integrated Avoka as the 'Journey Manager' product in the Temenos Infinity platform, Temenos’ groundbreaking omni-channel digital front office product. 

As a result of this acquisition a new naming scheme is being rolled out for all former Avoka products.  Moving forward, the following new product names will apply:

Original Name (Avoka) New Name (Temenos)
Transact Platform Journey Platform
Transact Manager Journey Manager
Transact Maestro Journey Maestro
Transact Insights Journey Analytics
Avoka Exchange To be Confirmed
Transact SDK Journey SDK
Transact Open UX Journey Open UX
Transact Workspaces Journey Workspaces
Springboard Journey Springboard
Please note that we are currently in the process of updating the Community and Documentation websites with the new terminology and as a result you may notice that some articles will still be using the old product names.


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