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Version: 24.10

Function Triggers


When you call the Open UX API you can potentially trigger a server-side fluent function in Manager. For an application to call a fluent function it must be associated with the Form Version; these are called Transact Functions.

Transact Functions provide an improved programming model for client applications to call server side business functions. Form Functions are designed for applications to make calls to other systems for doing remote data lookups or executing some secure business logic on the server. They provide the modern replacement for Form Dynamic Data Services but with an improved programming and security model.

Fluent Functions can be triggered on a variety of Open UX function triggers. Below are all the function trigger types with example use cases.


The Form Function trigger doesn't provide automatic support for transaction updates; use the Fluent Functions with a Form Update trigger for automatic persistence. Form Functions are for light weight calls such as data lookups or type ahead queries.

Trigger Types

Form Open

Called when new form transaction is created, immediately before it is rendered to the browser. This event trigger is initiated by the Manager server. This would be get triggered before the Form Load API call.

Example use case:

  • Prefill data into an application.

Form Resume

Called when a saved form transaction is resumed, immediately before it is rendered to the browser. This event trigger is initiated by the Manager server. This would be get triggered before the Form Load API call.

Example use case:

  • Prefill data specific to a returning user into an application.

Form Update

Called when the form makes an background update operation. This event trigger is initiated by the Open UX application.

Example use cases:

  • Send and retrieve data on page / route change.
  • Add or remove an attachment.

Form Ineligible

Called when the application determines the user is ineligible to complete the transaction. This event trigger is initiated by the Open UX application's business rule scripts in the browser after determining the user is not eligible to complete the application.

Example use case:

  • Send an email to the customer saying they are ineligible.

Form Function

Called by the Open UX application generally to get dynamic data from the server and perform any transaction updates.

Example use cases:

  • Retrieve an address list based on an input parameter.
  • Validate a user account.

User Save

Called when the user explicitly saves and closes the application. This event trigger is initiated by the user of the Open UX application.

Example use cases:

  • Send a custom save / resume email to a user.
  • Expire a user's session.

User Submit

Called when the user explicitly submits a completed form application. This event trigger is initiated by the user of the Open UX application.

Example use cases:

  • Send a custom submission completed email to a user.
  • Send data to a back-office data server.

User Cancel

Called when the user explicitly cancels and closes a form application. This event trigger is initiated by the user of the Open UX application.

Example use case:

  • Send a custom abandoned email to a user.