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Version: 24.10

Form deployment and security


Temenos Journey Manager (TJM) 21.11 introduced changes to the Workspaces REST API that are incompatible with earlier releases. Consequently, the Workspaces 19.11 application can no longer be used with a TJM 21.11 or later instance, and you must upgrade your Workspaces application to an Open UX form. To learn more, see Workspaces release compatibility > Breaking changes in TJM 21.11.


Before deploying Journey Workspaces as an Open UX form, be sure to address the following in your project.

  1. Ensure the index file for the configuration is updated with all the defined spaces required in the application.
  2. Ensure the application's transact-config.json is updated to point to the correct configuration path.
  3. Ensure the application's locale setting is defined correctly in the index file.


Before deploying your Workspaces form, make sure you have a .transact-auth file at the root of your project with the following details relating to your TJM environment.


Journey Workspaces allows you to use .transact-auth variables inside transact-config.json. To learn more, see Transact config.

Replace the following:

  • JM_SERVER: The URL for your Journey Manager server where the application will be deployed. For example,
  • JM_USERNAME, JM_PASSWORD: Your credentials to authenticate on JM_SERVER.

Then, run the following command to deploy your form to the configured environment:

npm run build:deploy

If JM is behind a proxy, use the following command instead:

npm run build:deploy -- --proxy-host=HOST --proxy-port=PORT --proxy-username=USERNAME --proxy-password=PASSWORD

Replace HOST, PORT, USERNAME and PASSWORD with the relevant details for your environment.


If you're deploying your Workspaces form to a local instance of JM, make sure the URL does not contain /secure/. That is:

thumb_up Like this: http://localhost:9080/workspaces/app/FORM_CODE/FORM_VERSION

thumb_down Not this: http://localhost:9080/workspaces/secure/app/FORM_CODE/FORM_VERSION


When you first deploy your Workspaces form, JM deploys it with the Authenticated and Anonymous modes enabled to all form spaces that belong to your organization. This behavior is expected for Open UX forms, but it's not what's needed for a Workspaces form. Instead, we need to restrict form access to just the form space where the Workspaces WAR file is deployed, and with Authenticated mode enabled only. Also, we need to make sure that the correct form version is associated with the Workspaces form space.


By default, the Workspaces WAR file is deployed to a form space is called Work Spaces. The instructions below assume your Workspaces form space uses this default name. However, if your Workspaces form space has a different name, make sure you use that form space name in the instructions below.

One form space with authenticated access

To ensure your Workspaces form is associated with just one form space and the correct access level, follow these steps.

  1. In Journey Manager, select Forms > Forms.
  2. Locate the form for your Workspaces app in the list, and click its Form Name or Edit icon.

    If there are many forms, you can select JS App in the Type box to display just Open UX forms. Workspaces apps are Open UX forms.

  3. Select the Spaces tab. Ensure that the Work Spaces form space is the only space in the list. Remove any other form spaces from the list.
  4. For the Work Spaces form space, check the access options and ensure that only Authenticated Access is enabled. If Anonymous Access is enabled, click the Edit icon and clear the Anonymous Access checkbox, then click Save.

Associate the correct form version

The Workspaces WAR file comes with default login and logout pages that need to be updated with the new form URL so that all default routes redirect to the new Workspaces form. To do this, you need to know the form code and form version for your deployed Workspaces app.


If you don't know your form code and form version, follow these steps to find them.

  1. In Journey Manager, select Forms > Forms.
  2. In the Type box, select JS App to display the list of deployed Open UX forms (including Workspaces apps).
  3. Locate the form for your Workspaces app, and note its Form Code and Current Version.

Knowing your form code and form version, you're ready to associate the correct form version with your Workspaces form space. Follow these steps.

  1. In Journey Manager, select Forms > Form Spaces.
  2. From the list of form spaces, locate the Workspaces form space that you want to edit, and select it or click it's Edit icon. (By default, the form space is called Work Spaces.)
  3. Select the Pages tab.
  4. From the list of pages, locate the Index page and select it. Insert the following content (replacing any existing page content) in the Portal Page tab:
    <meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=/workspaces/app/FORM_CODE/FORM_VERSION" />
    Replace FORM_CODE and FORM_VERSION with the form code and form version for your deployed Workspaces form.
  5. Repeate the previous step for the Index Secure and Logout pages.

You're all set now!

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