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Version: 21.11 (EOL)

Using Txn attributes

You can display Txn information in the Workspaces UI by defining mappings in the dataIndex attribute which is a Txn attribute in the underlying configuration that can be used as the value for a field.


mappings: {
$primaryApplicant: {
label: 'Name',
dataIndex: 'properties["PrimaryName"]',
type: 'text',

Fallback dataIndex

In some cases you may want to define a fallback dataindex. Let's say you want to display a value in the table that is not available for all Txn statuses. You can define dataIndex as list, and the second value is checked if the first value is not there. For example:

mappings: {
$primaryApplicant: {
label: 'Name',
dataIndex: ['properties["PrimaryName"]', 'formDataMap["PrimaryName"]'],
type: 'text',

Below is a list of attributes and the supported operations that they can be used for in the Workspaces configuration.

Criteria AttributeDescription
Filter transactions based on the authStatus of the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the clientCode.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the emailAddress associated with the submission
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort.
Filter transactions based on the form template version's association to the category specified.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the form code of the submitted form.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on an entry in the formDataMap.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter
Supports exact match of value but not extract name. For example:
  • "formDataMap[*] = 'Jane'"
  • "formDataMap['firstName'] = 'Jane'"
  • "formDataMap['firstName'] IN ('Jane', 'Doe')"
Filter transactions based on the form name of the submitted form.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on transaction form status.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the association with submission groups with names specified.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on submission milestones.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on submission properties.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter
Supports exact match of both name and value for a single property per search. For example:
  • "properties[*] = 'prop1Value'"
  • "properties['property1'] = 'prop1Value'"
  • "properties['property1'] IN ('prop1Value', 'prop2Value')"
Filter transactions based on the association with spaces with name(s) specified.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the submission submitKey. Will match to one transaction record.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the time abandoned timestamp.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Specify the timestamp using one of the following formats:
  • "yyyy-MM-dd"
  • "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
  • "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format)
For example:
  • "timeAbandoned > '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeAbandoned < '2019-01-01 09:00:00'"
  • "timeAbandoned >= '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Filter transactions based on the time completed timestamp.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Specify the timestamp using one of the following formats:
  • "yyyy-MM-dd"
  • "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
  • "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format)
For example:
  • "timeCompleted < '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeCompleted = '2018-01-01 23:17:29'"
  • "timeCompleted > '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Filter transactions based on the time created timestamp.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Specify the timestamp using one of the following formats:
  • "yyyy-MM-dd"
  • "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
  • "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format)
For example:
  • "timeCreated > '2018-01-01'"
  • timeCreated >= '2018-01-01 15:17:29'"
  • "timeCreated <= '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Filter transactions based on the time request timestamp.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Specify the timestamp using one of the following formats:
  • "yyyy-MM-dd"
  • "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
  • "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format)
For example:
  • "timeRequest >= '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeRequest = '2018-01-01 15:17:29'"
  • "timeRequest >= '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Filter transactions based on the time submitted timestamp.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Specify the timestamp using one of the following formats:
  • "yyyy-MM-dd"
  • "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
  • "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format)
For example:
  • "timeSubmitted < '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeSubmitted = '2018-01-01 15:17:29'"
  • "timeSubmitted >= '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Filter transactions based on the time user last modified timestamp.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Specify the timestamp using one of the following formats:
  • "yyyy-MM-dd"
  • "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"
  • "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ" (the returned date format)
For example:
  • "timeUserLastModified <= '2018-01-01'"
  • "timeUserLastModified = '2019-01-01 23:17:29'"
  • "timeUserLastModified > '2018-01-01T15:17:29+10:00'"
Filter transactions based on the tracking code. Will match to one transaction record.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the user login name.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on the user saved property
True: "userSaved = 1"
False: "userSaved = 0" or "userSaved = null".
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on job reference number.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Filter transactions based on job creation time.
Supported operations: Selection, Filter, Sort
Select job time value for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job key value for the transaction
Supported operations: Selection
Select job name value for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job's current action for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job's current step for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job's status for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection
Select job's completion schedule time for the transaction.
Supported operations: Selection