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Version: 21.11 (EOL)

POST Upload Service Archive

Upload a Service Archive ZIP file into the Journey Manager server creating or updating any included service definitions.

Any existing global default type Services and existing Service Connections are preserved. However, any existing services of the same name are updated with the provided service archive.


HTTP request

POST https://<JM_SERVER>/manager/secure/rest/service-definitions/v1/upload-service-archive/


This request takes no parameters.

Request body

The multipart POST request parameters include:

  • archiveFile: Required. A service archive ZIP file.
  • clientCode: An organization client code. If not specified, the current client will be used.


This example is idealized to provide an illustration of a multipart POST request.

POST /manager/secure/rest/service-definitions/v1/upload-service-archive/ HTTP/1.1
Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=AaB03x

content-disposition: form-data; name="archiveFile"; filename=""
Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary


If successful, this operation returns a response with a HTTP 200 OK status code.


An example succcessful response is shown below.

"archiveName": "",
"importMessage": "Imported Groovy Form Security Filter - v1 successfully.",
"importStatus": "Completed",
"importTime": "2016-06-17T16:47+1000"