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Version: 21.11 (EOL)

POST Run Unit Test

Run a service's automated unit test.


HTTP request

POST https://<JM_SERVER>/manager/secure/rest/service-definitions/v1/run-unit-test/


This request takes no parameters.

Request body

The POST request parameters include:

  • serviceName: Required. The name of a service definition to run.
  • versionNumber: A service version number. Use of this parameter is highly recommended to resolve the correct service version.
  • clientCode: An organization client code. Use of this parameter is highly recommended to resolve the correct organization service.


This example runs the unit test for the 'Hello World' version 1 service.

Ensure you specify Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

POST /manager/secure/rest/service-definitions/v1/run-unit-test/ HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

serviceName=Hello World&versionNumber=1&clientCode=maguire


If successful, this operation returns a response with a HTTP 200 OK status code.


This is an example response of a successful service unit test.

"serviceName": "Hello World",
"versionNumber": 1,
"testStatus": "Success",
"message": "Test succeeded in 49 ms",
"logger": "21:24:21,034 INFO groovy result"

This is an example response of a service unit test failure.

"serviceName": "Hello World",
"versionNumber": 1,
"testStatus": "Failure",
"message": "Test failed after 741 ms",
"errorCause": "java.lang.NullPointerException",
"errorLine": 19