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Version: 21.11 (EOL)

POST Delivery Error


This operation is supported in Journey/Transact Manager 4.3 and later.

The POST Delivery Error operation updates the transaction delivery status to 'Error', indicating that an internal delivery error has occurred. An internal error could occur, for example, when attempting to store transaction data to a disk volume which is not available.

Using this operation, you can inform JM operational staff that a delivery error has occurred and that this matter requires attention. Users (staff) in the alert group Receive System Alerts - Delivery receive an email notification when a delivery error is recored on the JM server.

If the Delivery Channel is configure to enable delivery retry, the transaction is returned to the delivery queue once the retry delay period is reached. However, if delivery retry is not configured then the submission will not be returned automatically to the delivery queue, and it will be up to an administrator to resolve the issue.


If the submission has already been completed by a POST Delivery Completed request, a POST Delivery Error request is silently ignored and the response returned exactly as it would have been for the original POST Delivery Completed request.


The Delivery REST API Overview provides an introduction to this REST API, including information about:

  • Security (authentication and authorization)
  • Delivery channel
  • Testing
  • Delivery call sequence (POST Next, GET Data, POST Confirmation)
  • Client failure recovery


HTTP request

POST https://<JM_SERVER>/manager/secure/rest/delivery/v1/<ORG_CODE>/<DELIVERY_CHANNEL>/<SUBMISSION_ID>/


This request takes no parameters.

Request body

The JSON request message must specify an "errorMessage" value describing the error.

"errorMessage": "SAN delivery storage volume not available."




If successful, this operation returns a response with a HTTP 200 OK status code. Otherwise, it returns an error response.

Error responses

HTTP status codeDescription
400 Bad RequestBad request or request parameter. Check error message for details.
401 UnauthorizedUser not authorized to perform this operation.
404 Not FoundThe organization code, delivery channel or submission id may not exist. Ensure the HTTP method is POST and not GET.
503 Service UnavailableThe JM System Deployment property Enable REST/Web Service Delivery has been set to false.


An example successful response is shown below.

"id": 2039,
"deliveryStatus": "Error",
"deliveryMethod": "REST Service",
"deliveryTime": "2015-01-27T14:53:00+11:00"